Protect Your Business: Recognizing National Social Engineering Day with Key Insights

Yeo & Yeo Technology partner KnowBe4 recently established August 6 as National Social Engineering Day. This initiative aims to highlight the pervasive threat of social engineering in cyberattacks and equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge to combat these tactics effectively.

Understanding Social Engineering Cyberattacks

Social engineering is a manipulation technique cybercriminals use to deceive individuals into divulging confidential information or granting access to systems. This attack exploits human psychology rather than technical vulnerabilities, making it particularly effective. Cybercriminals often employ tactics such as creating a sense of urgency or exploiting trust to achieve their goals.

Social engineering typically involves:

  • Human Element: Unlike technical defenses, human behavior is unpredictable and can be easily manipulated. Attackers exploit natural human tendencies such as trust, fear, and the desire to help others.
  • Sophisticated Tactics: Cybercriminals often conduct extensive research to craft convincing scenarios, such as business email compromise (BEC) attacks. These attacks involve impersonating trusted contacts to deceive victims into transferring funds or sharing sensitive information.
  • Wide Reach: Social engineering is involved in an estimated 98% of cyberattacks, causing significant financial and operational disruptions.

Preventing Social Engineering Attacks

To defend against social engineering, organizations, and individuals must adopt a proactive approach:

  • Security Awareness Training: Regular training sessions can educate employees about recognizing and responding to social engineering tactics. This training should cover various attack vectors, including phishing, spear phishing, and vishing.
  • Vigilance and Verification: Encourage employees to verify requests for sensitive information or financial transactions through independent channels, such as direct phone calls to known contacts.
  • Use of Security Solutions: Implement robust security solutions to detect and mitigate potential threats before they reach end-users. However, the human element remains the last line of defense, emphasizing the importance of awareness and training.

As cyber threats evolve, organizations must prioritize security awareness to protect their assets and data. Yeo & Yeo Technology offers comprehensive security awareness training designed to empower your team with the skills to identify and thwart social engineering attacks. Investing in such training can transform your workforce from a potential vulnerability into a formidable defense. Contact Yeo & Yeo Technology today to learn more about our security solutions and how we can help safeguard your organization.

More and more businesses are making smart decisions to be proactive and invest in their cybersecurity defenses. This is fantastic news, especially since stats show that about half of SMBs still have no cybersecurity measures at all. If your business falls into that category, it’s time to change.

Cybersecurity might sound complex, but it starts with a few simple steps. Let’s talk about some basics you can put in place right away.

  • First, think about encryption and multi-factor authentication (MFA). Encryption is like putting your data in a secure vault. It ensures that even if someone intercepts your information, they can’t read it without the encryption key. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to verify your identity using a second device, like your phone, whenever you log in. It’s like needing two keys to open a lock instead of just one.
  • Another easy step is using a password manager. These generate long, random passwords for every account and remember them for you. Password managers make life easier and your business more secure in one package.
  • Advanced monitoring tools are another great way to protect your business. They’re a little like security cameras for your digital space, always on the lookout for anything suspicious. These tools help detect unusual activity in your systems, alerting you if something’s wrong.
  • And let’s not forget about protecting your business from phishing scams. These are attempts by criminals to trick you into giving away personal information by pretending to be someone you trust, like a supplier or a bank. Educating your team on how to spot these scams is crucial. If something feels off, it probably is.

Why is investing in cybersecurity so important?

  • It protects your data
  • Avoids financial loss
  • And builds trust with your customers and partners

Your business data is valuable; protecting it means safeguarding your business’s operations and reputation. Cyberattacks can be costly, not just in terms of money but also time and resources. Prevention is almost always cheaper than dealing with the aftermath of a breach. Plus, showing that you take security seriously helps build trust with your customers and partners. They need to know that their information is safe with you.

Investing in cybersecurity doesn’t have to be daunting. Yeo & Yeo Technology is here to help. Whether you need advice on getting started or want a comprehensive security plan, get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

Which is the best browser to use?

It comes down to personal preference, but check your chosen browser is secure, has tools that work for you, and can be as private as you need it to be.

What’s the difference between 2FA and MFA?

2FA (two-factor authentication) requires two types of authentication: a password and a one-time code. MFA (multi-factor authentication) requires at least two or more types of authentication.

Which is best, 2FA or MFA?

The answer depends on how your business works and what you’re securing. Ideally, you’d use the method that offers the highest security standards yet requires the least effort. We can help you figure this out – contact us.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

QR codes offer a convenient way to access information, make payments, and interact with services. However, this convenience comes with a growing risk: cyberattacks. As QR code usage has surged, so too have the number of cyberattacks exploiting this technology. A 2023 study of 38 organizations across nine industries and 125 countries revealed that 22% of phishing attacks used QR codes to deliver malicious payloads.

What to Watch For

Cybercriminals often tamper with digital and physical QR codes to replace legitimate ones with malicious ones. Here are some common tactics to be aware of:

  1. Phishing Sites: Scanning a malicious QR code can direct you to a phishing site that prompts you to enter sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details.
  2. Malware Downloads: Some QR codes can initiate malware downloads onto your device, compromising your data and security.
  3. Fake Payment Portals: Scammers may use QR codes to create fake payment portals, tricking you into transferring money to them instead of the intended recipient.

Protecting Yourself

To safeguard against QR code cyberattacks, consider the following precautions:

  1. Verify the Source: Only scan QR codes from trusted sources. Be cautious of codes found in public places or unsolicited messages.
  2. Use a QR Scanner with Security Features: Some QR scanner apps offer security features that can detect malicious codes before they are opened.
  3. Check the URL: Before entering any information, check the URL that the QR code directs you to. Ensure it is legitimate and secure (look for “https” and a padlock icon).
  4. Update Your Device: Keep your device’s operating system and security software up to date to protect against the latest threats.

The Role of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

One of the most effective ways to combat QR code cyberattacks is through comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training. Educating employees about the risks associated with QR codes and how to recognize potential threats can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to these attacks. Training should cover:

  • Identifying Suspicious QR Codes: Teaching employees to spot potentially malicious QR codes.
  • Safe Scanning Practices: Encouraging the use of secure QR scanner apps and verifying the legitimacy of URLs.
  • Reporting Procedures: Establishing clear protocols for reporting suspected cyber threats.

By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, organizations can empower their employees to act as the first line of defense against QR code cyberattacks.

At Yeo & Yeo Technology, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training programs tailored to your organization’s needs. By partnering with YYTECH, you can create a robust security culture within your organization, protecting your valuable data and maintaining trust with your clients. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and let YYTECH help you stay secure.

The loss or theft of a work device can have serious implications, from data breaches to financial loss and compromised customer trust. Here’s what you should do when devices go missing:

First and foremost, create an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting a lost or stolen device immediately. Employees should know that the sooner they inform the company, the better. Emphasize that there will be no blame or punishment – what matters most is safeguarding the data.

Ensure that all work-issued devices have remote wiping capabilities. This is your first line of defense. When an employee reports their laptop missing, your IT team should be able to wipe the device remotely, erasing all data to prevent unauthorized access. However, keep in mind that the laptop or desktop needs to be online for remote wiping to work. A better solution is to use hard drive encryption, such as BitLocker from Microsoft, which provides an additional layer of security by encrypting the data on the device, ensuring it remains inaccessible even if the device is offline.

Before a device is lost, proactive measures can make a world of difference. Make sure all company devices are encrypted. Encryption converts data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. Even if someone gets hold of an employee’s lost laptop, encrypted data remains inaccessible without the proper decryption key. Most modern operating systems offer robust encryption options.

Consistently enforce strong password policies. Every employee’s laptop should have a complex password and, ideally, two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for anyone to access the data if they bypass the initial password protection.

Regular training is vital. Employees should understand the importance of device security and the steps to take if a device is lost or stolen. Conduct workshops and send reminders about security protocols. The more informed employees are, the quicker and more effectively they can respond to the loss.

Why are these steps so crucial?

The consequences can be severe if an employee’s laptop falls into the wrong hands. Unauthorized access to customer files can lead to identity theft and loss of client trust. Exposure of financial data could result in significant loss and legal consequences. Proprietary information could be stolen and sold. It’s a nightmare.

By implementing these strategies, you can sleep easier knowing that your company’s data remains secure, even if a device goes missing. It will become a minor annoyance, not a disaster.

We can help you create and implement a plan for this kind of scenario. Get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

Cybercrime is on the rise, affecting businesses and individuals. Cybercriminals operate without discrimination, targeting victims worldwide 24/7. Despite advancements in digital security, attackers have shifted their focus to exploit human vulnerabilities within increasingly fortified organizations.

With the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into technology, cybersecurity vigilance is more vital than ever. AI systems can swiftly analyze vast datasets and detect patterns beyond human capacity. However, this advancement presents a dual challenge. While enhancing efficiency, it equips hackers with sophisticated tools to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, accelerating the pace and scale of cyberattacks.

As AI-driven cyber threats evolve, security awareness programs must urgently adapt, with a particular emphasis on managing human risks. According to KnowBe4’s 2024 Phishing by Industry Benchmarking Report, 34.3% of untrained end users will fail a phishing test. After 90 days of security awareness training, the number drops to 18.9%. After one year, only 4.6% of users will fail. Of all industries tested, healthcare and pharmaceuticals had the worst baseline fail rate in both the small and large business categories.

Organizations must prioritize addressing the human element in cybersecurity. Implementing a modern security awareness approach involving comprehensive and ongoing education, testing, and communication can empower employees to serve as the primary line of defense.

Key Cybersecurity Recommendations for Businesses:

  • Foster a resilient security culture where employees understand their role in safeguarding the organization against cyber threats.
  • Increase the frequency of security awareness training while optimizing time efficiency to drive lasting behavior change.
  • Implement regular simulated phishing campaigns to enhance employees’ ability to detect and thwart phishing attempts.
  • Collaborate with security awareness professionals to design engaging and effective training content tailored to behavioral changes.

Many organizations perceive training as a mere obligation rather than a strategic initiative to cultivate a security-conscious culture. However, establishing such a culture requires a sustained and comprehensive approach, with continuous efforts to reshape behaviors and instill secure practices. This journey has no endpoint; only through relentless commitment can organizations mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at KnowBe4.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become more than just a buzzword; it’s a transformative force reshaping businesses’ operations. From streamlining workflows to enhancing decision-making processes, AI technologies are increasingly integrated into various aspects of the workplace. However, as with any powerful tool, there are both opportunities and risks associated with its adoption. Businesses must tread carefully to maximize the benefits while safeguarding against potential pitfalls for themselves and their employees.

The Uses of AI in the Workplace

According to ISACA, in a poll of 3,270 digital trust professionals, 35% say they use AI to increase productivity, and 33% use it to automate repetitive tasks and create written content. AI offers a myriad of opportunities for businesses to optimize operations and drive growth:

  1. Automation: AI’s most significant advantage is its ability to automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing employees to focus on more creative and strategic endeavors. From data entry to customer service inquiries, AI-powered bots and algorithms can handle routine tasks efficiently, improving productivity and reducing human error.
  2. Data Analysis: With the vast amount of data businesses generate today, AI analyzes complex datasets to extract valuable insights. From market trends to customer preferences, AI algorithms can uncover patterns and trends that human analysts might overlook, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  3. Personalization: AI enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences to customers and employees. By analyzing individual preferences and behavior, AI algorithms can tailor products, services, and even employee training programs to meet specific needs, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Predictive Maintenance: AI-powered predictive maintenance systems can anticipate equipment failures before they occur in industries like manufacturing and logistics. By monitoring machine performance and analyzing historical data, businesses can minimize downtime, reduce maintenance costs, and prolong the lifespan of assets.

The Risks of AI in the Workplace

In the same poll, ISACA found that 70% of organizations use AI, and 60% use generative AI. However, only 15% have AI policies, and 40% don’t offer any AI training. Despite its transformative potential, AI adoption in the workplace is not without its risks:

  • Cybersecurity Threats: As AI adoption grows, cybercriminals may exploit AI for large-scale attacks. Malicious use of AI could overwhelm businesses and disrupt operations.
  • Data Manipulation: Threat actors may target workforce-related data, compromising its accuracy and credibility. Manipulating AI models or data storage poses a significant risk.
  • Data Privacy: Employees using generative AI platforms at work can inadvertently leak sensitive information or compromise systems. Some companies restrict or ban AI to mitigate risks.

Protecting Businesses and Employees

To navigate the complexities of AI in the workplace and ensure a positive outcome for both businesses and employees, several strategies can be employed:

  1. Invest in Education and Training: It is crucial to empower employees with the skills and knowledge needed to work alongside AI technologies. Implementing comprehensive training programs and fostering a culture of continuous learning can help employees adapt to technological changes.
  2. Enhance Data Governance: Establishing robust data governance frameworks is essential for protecting data privacy and security in the age of AI. This includes implementing encryption, anonymization, access controls, and complying with relevant regulations.
  3. Ongoing Oversight: Monitor AI usage internally to detect any misuse. Regular assessments help align AI practices with ethical and legal standards.

AI holds immense promise for transforming the workplace, offering unprecedented automation, data analysis, and personalization opportunities. However, realizing these benefits requires careful consideration of the associated risks and challenges. By investing in education and training, enhancing data governance, and continuously monitoring AI use, businesses can harness AI’s full potential while safeguarding their employees’ well-being and maintaining trust with customers and stakeholders.

Regardless of their size, businesses rely heavily on technology. Although your network and computer-related tools are essential to function, they’re also a potential liability because they can offer cybercriminals access to your company. To protect against this complex and ever-evolving threat, businesses must deploy a comprehensive cybersecurity program.

Your arsenal

You should already have a cybersecurity software package to protect technology assets. But to provide the best protection from hackers and other fraud perpetrators, arm your business with these seven additional weapons:

1. Strong passwords. Given a choice, most computer users select passwords that are easy to remember and input. But cybercriminals use password-cracking software that can guess simple passwords in almost no time.

So require all employees to choose complex passwords that combine upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Multifactor authentication adds an authorization layer that makes hacking harder. And consider mandating the use of a password manager. This tool enables users to store complicated passwords and populate login credentials when they access password-protected networks, sites and files.

2. Encrypted devices. Employees’ mobile phones and other devices can hold vast amounts of data. Encrypting every device involves software that converts data into a coded format. Because only the correct decryption key can decode and make data readable, encrypted devices are generally secure, even if they’re stolen.

3. Up-to-date software. Cyber threats evolve rapidly, and many attacks exploit known security weaknesses of popular software solutions. So in addition to keeping your network security current, ensure that employees install the latest patches as soon as they’re prompted to do so.

4. Secure router. Routers provide enticing and, unfortunately, often easy entry points for hackers. Some companies forget to change their router’s default login. Don’t make this mistake! When putting in place a new router, change your login credentials, update the router’s firmware, enable encryption and create a guest network for visitors.

5. Network monitoring tools. These are designed to uncover unusual activity or possible security breaches before an attacker can do too much damage. Logs and associated alerts can help your organization respond to threats quickly.

6. Well-trained employees. Every worker needs to prioritize cybersecurity. Make employees aware of the threats facing your organization and the tools you’ve made available to mitigate them. This starts with cybersecurity training for new employees and updates annually or whenever an update is needed (for example, following an attempted breach).

7. Test your defenses regularly. Even the most sophisticated cybercriminal programs can degrade over time. To ensure your defenses remain effective, consider engaging a third- party cybersecurity consultant to test them. This professional can provide you with a detailed report outlining your program’s strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for improvements.

Evolution and sustained investment

Establishing a multifaceted security program can significantly reduce the potential for a cyberattack. Just keep in mind that it also requires evolution and sustained investment. Regularly review and update your security program to incorporate the most recent intelligence and best practices.

© 2024

Getting your team to report security issues quickly is important for your business. You might think you’re covered with so many security tech tools. But guess what? Your employees are your first line of defense, and they’re irreplaceable when spotting and reporting security threats.

Imagine this: One of your employees receives a fishy-looking email that appears to be from a trusted supplier. It’s a classic phishing attempt (that’s where a cybercriminal sends an email and pretends to be someone else to steal your data).

If the employee brushes it off or thinks someone else will handle it, that innocent-looking email could lead to a massive data breach, potentially costing your company big bucks.

According to Abnormal Security, only 2.1 percent of all known attacks are reported by employees to the security team. That’s shockingly low. Why? Well:

  • They might not realize how important it is
  • They’re scared of getting into trouble if they’re wrong
  • Or they think it’s someone else’s job

Plus, if they’ve been shamed for security mistakes before, they’re even less likely to speak up.

One of the biggest reasons employees don’t report security issues is that they just don’t get it. They might not know what a security threat looks like or why reporting it is crucial. This is where education comes in.

Think of cybersecurity training as an engaging and interactive experience. Use real-life examples and scenarios to show how a minor issue can snowball into a significant problem if not reported.

Simulate phishing attacks and demonstrate the potential fallout. Make it clear that everyone has a vital role in keeping the company safe. When employees understand their actions can prevent a disaster, they’ll be more motivated to report anything suspicious.

Even if your employees want to report an issue, a complicated reporting process can stop them in their tracks. Make sure your reporting process is as simple as possible. Think easy-access buttons or quick links on your company’s intranet.

Make sure everyone knows how to report an issue. Regular reminders and clear instructions can go a long way. When someone does report something, give them immediate feedback. A simple thank you, or acknowledgment can reinforce their behavior and show them that their efforts matter.

It’s all about creating a culture where reporting security issues is seen as a positive action. If employees feel they’ll be judged or punished, they’ll keep quiet. Leaders in your company need to set the tone by being open about their own experiences with reporting issues. When the big boss talks openly about security, it encourages everyone else to do the same.

You could even consider appointing security champions within different departments. These are your go-to people for their peers, offering support and making the reporting process less intimidating. Keep security a regular topic of conversation so it stays fresh in everyone’s minds.

Also, celebrate the learning opportunities that come from reported incidents. Share success stories where reporting helped avoid a disaster. This will not only educate but also motivate your team to keep their eyes open and speak up.

By making it easy and rewarding for your employees to report security issues, you’re not just protecting your business but also building a more engaged and proactive workforce.

Encourage open communication and continuous learning, and avoid shaming anyone for their mistakes. The faster issues are reported, the easier and cheaper they are to fix, keeping your business secure and thriving.

This is something we regularly help businesses with. If we can help you too, get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

New data shows organizations are improving their ability to detect and respond to ransomware attacks, but is it fast enough to make a difference and stop attacks?

The key to stopping a ransomware attack involves speed and efficacy. Organizations must detect and stop an attack before data is exfiltrated and/or encrypted.

Cybersecurity vendor Mandiant’s latest M-Trends 2024 report shows that organizations improved their speed of detection (which Mandiant refers to as “Dwell Time,” or the number of days from an attacker being present in the environment to detection) from 9 days in 2023 to just 5 days in 2023. That’s a 44% improvement for organizations.

But we also saw another “dwell time” stat from last October, citing that ransomware threat actors only take an average of 1 day from initial access to encryption.

So, it’s great that organizations are detecting ransomware attacks more quickly. But is it enough? If threat actors complete their attacks in 1/5th the time, is detection something to even boast about? What’s not so obvious is that when you dig into the report’s data, you find that 55% of attacks took more than a week to detect.

The real answer here is to prevent attacks in the first place. By the time detection even happens, threat actors have completed their attack and may have “left the building.” Through new-school security awareness training, organizations can stop phishing and social engineering-based attacks by educating users on common techniques, helping to elevate the employee understanding of such attacks and the need for continual vigilance when interacting with email and the web.

Security awareness training empowers your workforce to make smarter security decisions every day. Over 65,000 organizations worldwide trust the KnowBe4 platform to strengthen their security culture and reduce human risk.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at KnowBe4.

Researchers at Abnormal Security have observed a 360% increase in phishing attacks against state and local government entities over the past year.

The researchers write, “While phishing tends to consistently increase each year and regularly accounts for the majority of advanced threats, this level of growth is extraordinary.”

Here are the key takeaways from the research:

  • Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Vendor Email Compromise (VEC): These attacks are particularly common. BEC involves impersonating a legitimate business email account to deceive recipients, while VEC focuses on compromising vendor emails to initiate fraudulent transactions. The research revealed that BEC attacks on public sector organizations increased by 70% year over year, while VEC attacks jumped 105%.
  • Account Takeover Attacks: The increase in phishing incidents has given cybercriminals more opportunities to steal credentials, as phishing remains a highly effective method for compromising email accounts. With phishing attacks targeting public sector organizations surging significantly over the past year, it’s not surprising that there has been a 43% rise in account takeover incidents.

The use of AI in crafting more convincing phishing emails has surged in recent months. AI-generated emails are harder to detect due to their polished and authentic appearance, bypassing traditional security measures. In addition, a staggering 74% of data breaches involve human error, highlighting the vulnerability of employees in the cybersecurity chain. This includes mistakes such as clicking on malicious links, misconfiguring privileges, and using weak passwords.

State and local governments must invest in robust security awareness training to combat these sophisticated email threats. Educating employees on identifying suspicious emails and understanding the latest social engineering tactics can significantly reduce the risk of successful attacks. Additionally, implementing advanced security technologies can help detect and prevent malicious emails before they reach employees, providing a vital layer of defense.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at KnowBe4.

Yeo & Yeo Technology (YYTECH) proudly marks a significant milestone, celebrating 40 years of dedicated service and innovation in information technology.

YYTECH began as a two-person division of Yeo & Yeo in 1984 when technology was exciting and new, and computers were just becoming mainstream. Today, YYTECH has more than 30 employees and over 30 technology partnerships and industry-leading certifications.

Reflecting on the journey, Yeo & Yeo Technology president Jeff McCulloch said, “Over the past 40 years, we’ve seen technology evolve from simple, personal computers to sophisticated AI and cloud-based computing systems. We’ve remained proactive, helping our clients adapt and succeed each step of the way.”

YYTECH serves a diverse range of industries, including education, government, healthcare, manufacturing, financial institutions, and small to mid-size businesses. By taking a holistic and agile approach to its clients’ needs, YYTECH offers comprehensive managed IT, cybersecurity, cloud solutions, programming, software and hardware solutions.

Fred Miller, vice president of YYTECH, emphasized the company’s client-centric philosophy. “At YYTECH, we strive to be a complete resource for our clients. Whether it’s enhancing cybersecurity measures, creating custom programs, or providing managed IT services, our goal is to help our clients navigate the complexities of the technology landscape with confidence and ease.”

Jeff McCulloch added that continuous learning has helped YYTECH meet clients’ needs. “Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace. Our team is dedicated to learning emerging technologies and obtaining new certifications, ensuring we can provide our clients with the latest tools and insights to help them stay ahead.”

As Yeo & Yeo Technology’s professionals celebrate 40 years of business, they express their gratitude to all past and present clients and colleagues for their trust and collaboration.

“Our success wouldn’t be possible without our clients’ continued trust and the hard work of our professionals,” McCulloch said. We are proud to celebrate this milestone and excited for the opportunities the future holds.”

For more information about Yeo & Yeo Technology and its services, please visit

This webinar has concluded. You can watch the webinar below or any of the Copilot examples included in the presentation here

Are you interested in seeing how Copilot for Microsoft 365 can improve your productivity? Join Yeo & Yeo Technology’s Software Consultant, Adam Seitz, for the second webinar in our Copilot series.

In this session, Adam will demonstrate practical tips and real-world applications to show how Copilot’s AI capabilities can enhance your daily work in Outlook, Teams, and Copilot Chat.

  • Outlook: Summarize email chains, draft new emails, and utilize email coaching.
  • Teams: Improve meeting notes and summaries, search and summarize chat messages, and provide insights during meetings.
  • Copilot Chat: Communicate effectively with Copilot to find information within your environment.

See Copilot in action and learn how to elevate your work with the power of AI.

Watch the Webinar Recording

Stay Tuned for More

Are you excited about Copilot? This is the second in our ongoing webinar series. Stay tuned for future webinars, where we’ll explore more features and benefits of Microsoft Copilot. If you missed our first webinar, which focused on using Copilot in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you may watch the recording here:

Watch the Recording: Unleashing the Power of AI with Microsoft Copilot

Imagine this: You’re sitting in your office, sipping your morning coffee, going through your emails. Everything seems routine until you stumble upon an alarming message from your bank.

You click the link and log in to your bank … but something feels wrong.

You go back to your email and look again. Your heart skips a beat as you realize it’s not from your bank at all … it’s a cleverly disguised phishing scam. This is where criminals pretend to be someone else. They’ve sent you to a fake bank login page and you’ve just handed over your banking login details without even realizing it.

Now your business account has been compromised, and the criminals are already logging into your real bank account.

This scenario might sound like the plot of a dramatic novel, but unfortunately, it’s a reality many businesses face every day.

With all the modern communication tools we have, most businesses are still overly reliant on email. This 50-year-old tool refuses to go away.

Criminals aren’t just sending you fake emails; they are also trying to break into your inbox.

If you think about it, having access to someone’s email gives you a huge amount of power. You can reset their passwords, see their purchase history and travel plans, and even pretend to be them while emailing other people.

This is why criminals are obsessed with your email. 90% of cybersecurity attacks on businesses like yours start in your inbox. 

So how do you prevent one of these nightmare scenarios?

First, Understand the Risks

Email is the one communication tool every business uses, which makes it the primary method for cyberattacks. The most common threats are phishing, and attachments that attempt to load malware onto your computer.

Phishing scams especially have become increasingly sophisticated. Cybercriminals are using smarter tactics than ever before to encourage you to give away sensitive information or click on malicious links.

The consequences of a successful email breach can be devastating for a business of any size. Here are just a few potential outcomes:

Data breaches: Cybercriminals may gain access to sensitive company or customer information, such as financial records, intellectual property, or personally identifiable information (PII). The exposure of this data not only compromises individual privacy but also exposes your business to regulatory penalties and lawsuits.

Financial losses: Email scams can result in financial losses through unauthorized wire transfers, fraudulent transactions, or ransom demands. These losses can have a significant impact on your bottom line and erode trust with customers and stakeholders.

Reputational damage: A breach can tarnish your business’s reputation and undermine customer trust. News of a data breach spreads quickly and can have long-lasting repercussions, driving away customers and damaging relationships with partners, investors, and suppliers.

Operational disruption: Dealing with the aftermath of a security breach can disrupt normal business operations, leading to downtime, productivity losses, and increased stress for your team.

Then Build a Strong Foundation for Secure Email

Choose a secure email service

The first step in strengthening your email security is to choose a reliable and secure email service provider. Look for providers that offer robust encryption protocols, secure authentication methods, and comprehensive spam filtering capabilities. You should also consider solutions that offer advanced threat detection and prevention features to safeguard against threats like phishing scams and malware attacks.

Implement strong authentication

Passwords are often the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your email accounts. Make sure your employees use strong, unique passwords for their email accounts.

Ideally, give your team a password manager. This can generate long random passwords, remember them, and securely input them so you don’t have to. Better security with less work for humans is smart.

Consider implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security. MFA requires people to provide additional verification, such as a one-time code sent to their mobile device, before accessing their accounts. This makes it significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access.

Educate your team

Your employees are your first line of defense against email-based threats, but they can also be your weakest link if they’re not adequately trained. Provide comprehensive training on email security best practices, including how to recognize phishing attempts, avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments, and report any suspicious emails to your IT support provider.

Regularly reinforce these training sessions to ensure that your team remains vigilant and up to date on the latest threats and tactics used by cybercriminals.

Secure mobile devices

Many of your employees use smartphones and tablets to access their work email accounts remotely. So, it’s important to make sure these devices are also adequately secured with security measures like passcodes, biometric authentication, and remote wipe capabilities in case of loss or theft. You may also consider using mobile device management (MDM) to enforce security policies and monitor how devices are being used, to prevent unauthorized access to corporate data.

Regularly update and patch

Keep all software up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Cybercriminals often exploit known vulnerabilities to gain access to systems and networks, so regularly applying patches is essential for maintaining secure email. Consider implementing automated ways to streamline the patching process and ensure that critical updates are applied promptly.

And Look at Extra Security

Email encryption

Email encryption is one of the most effective ways to protect your email. It scrambles the contents of your messages so that only the intended recipient can decipher them.

Implement end-to-end encryption to keep your emails secure both in transit and at rest. Also, consider using email encryption protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt communications between mail servers.

Advanced threat detection

Traditional spam filters and antivirus software can only do so much to protect against sophisticated email-based threats. Implement advanced threat detection that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze email traffic in real time. They’re looking for threats like phishing scams, attachments with malware, and suspicious URLs.

This can help you proactively detect and block malicious emails before they reach your inboxes, reducing the risk of a successful cyberattack.

Email archiving and retention

Implement email archiving and retention policies to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to preserve critical business communications for future reference.

Email archiving solutions capture and store copies of all inbound and outbound emails in a secure, tamper-proof repository, allowing you to retrieve and review historical email data as needed.

As a bonus, email archiving helps protect against data loss by providing a backup of your email communications in the event of a server failure or other catastrophic event.

Employee awareness and training

Even with the most advanced technical safeguards in place, human error remains a significant risk factor in email security.

Continuously educate and train your employees on email security best practices, emphasizing the importance of vigilance, skepticism, and caution with email messages.

If you want to test your team, conduct simulated phishing exercises to assess their awareness and responsiveness to phishing scams. Then provide targeted training to address any areas of weakness identified during these exercises.

Lastly, Monitoring and Optimization

Effective email security requires constant vigilance. Use robust monitoring tools and processes to continuously monitor email traffic, detect anomalies and suspicious activities, and respond promptly to potential security incidents.

What should you monitor, though?

Email logs, server activity, and user behavior will help identify signs of unauthorized access, unusual patterns, or potential security breaches.

Consider using security information and event management (SIEM) solutions to aggregate and analyze data from multiple sources and detect security threats in real time.

Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to guide your business’s response to email security incidents. Define roles and responsibilities, establish how best to communicate when you can’t trust email, and outline step-by-step procedures for investigating and mitigating security breaches.

You can also conduct regular exercises and simulations to test the effectiveness of your incident response plan and ensure that your team is prepared to respond quickly and effectively if there is a problem.

Regularly assess and audit your email security controls to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Keeping up to date with the latest trends, threats, and best practices in email security is essential for maintaining effective defenses against cyber threats.

But it’s a full-time job. This is another reason you should consider partnering with an IT support provider (like us) to keep you secure and ahead of the curve.

We subscribe to industry publications, newsletters, and blogs to stay informed about emerging threats, new attack techniques, and security vulnerabilities. We do it so you don’t have to.

And we keep our clients safe by handling all the security aspects of their email, so they don’t have to think about it.

Shall we talk more about your email security? Get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

If you’re all about doing everything you can to help your team maximize their productivity (who wouldn’t want that, right?), then you’ll love what Microsoft Teams has in store for us with its latest Copilot upgrades.

Imagine, you’re mid-Teams meeting, brainstorming like there’s no tomorrow. Ideas are flying all over the place! Even the quickest note-taker among you isn’t going to remember it all.

Never mind. Copilot’s got it. It can transcribe your conversation and understand your live chat, then summarize the most valuable insights.

It doesn’t stop there. Ever wish you could hit “undo” on a chat message and reword your response? Copilot can help with that too. In fact, it can come up with a fresh message suggestion right there in the chat. That could save you lots of time – and brainpower.

Copilot’s call recap tool can help with ordinary phone calls too. Teams Premium subscribers will benefit from handy recaps. It’s like having that personal assistant you always wished for (but you’ll still have to make your own coffee).

Microsoft has also made IntelliFrame the default setting for video calls. What’s that, you ask? It uses AI to identify the individual video feeds of all participants so that everyone gets their moment in the spotlight during Teams Rooms calls. It also means no more awkwardly cropped faces or disappearing attendees.

Smoother team collaboration, more insightful meetings, and video calls that look like they’re straight out of Hollywood … who doesn’t want that?!

If you’re not already maxing Teams in your business, we can help. Get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

By reading this, chances are you already know the importance of solid cybersecurity measures. Hopefully, you’ve got protections such as firewalls, antivirus software, and multi-factor authentication (where you get a login code from another device). Great work! 

But here’s the thing: No matter how many security measures you have in place, there’s always a chance – however small – that someone might breach your defenses. No system is 100% foolproof. It’s like having the most advanced lock on your front door … sure, it’ll keep most burglars out, but if someone really wants to get in, they’ll find a way.

Cue the dramatic music.

You see, while having all those security measures in place is crucial, it’s equally important to have a plan for when – and not if – the worst-case scenario happens. Prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

So, how do you plan for a cyberattack if you don’t know what you’re expecting, or when you’re expecting it?

Good news: It’s easier than you might think. To help you get started with your own recovery plan, we’ve broken things down into five steps. Follow these and you can rest assured that even if the worst happens, you and your team will know the best way to react to save your business from damage and disruption.

Step 1: Assess the Damage

When your business is hit by a cyberattack, it can feel like a punch in the gut and leave you scrambling to figure out what to do next. Instead of taking wild guesses or hitting the panic button, take a methodical approach to work out what exactly you’re dealing with.

First things first, take a moment to breathe. It’s easier said than done when your heart is racing and your mind is swirling with worst-case scenarios, but a clear head is your best ally in this situation.

Round up your team, gather everyone in a room (virtual or physical), and let them know what’s going on. It’s important to have all hands on deck to tackle the challenge together.

Now take stock of the damage. What systems or data have been compromised? Are there any immediate threats you need to address? Take notes, gather evidence, and try to get a clear picture of the situation.

Next, try to figure out how the attackers got in. Was it through a phishing email? A vulnerability in your software? Understanding what’s known as the ‘attack vector’ will help plug the hole and prevent future breaches.

Step 2: Contain the Breach

Once you have a handle on the situation, it’s time to contain the breach. This might involve shutting down compromised systems, isolating infected devices, or blocking suspicious network traffic, as well as changing your passwords. The goal is to prevent the attack from spreading further.

Depending on the severity of the attack and the nature of your business, you may need to notify the relevant authorities. This could include law enforcement, regulatory agencies, or industry watchdogs. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Step 3: Restore Your Systems and Data

OK, crisis averted. Now there are some steps you need to take to begin the restoration process and get back to business as quickly as possible. 

Prioritize critical systems

Not all systems are created equal. Start by identifying the systems and data that are essential for your business operations. These might include customer databases, financial records, or production systems. Focus your efforts on restoring these first.

Restore from backup

Lost all your data? Don’t panic, that’s why you’ve got backups. Restore your systems and data from the most recent backup available. Make sure to verify the integrity of these first though. Some attacks can compromise them too.

Patch and update

Once your systems are back online, it’s important to patch any vulnerabilities that may have been exploited during the attack. Update your software, firmware, and security patches to make sure you’re running the latest, most secure versions.

Test, test, test

Before declaring victory and going back to business as usual, you need to test your restored systems thoroughly. Make sure everything is functioning as it should be and there are no lingering issues or vulnerabilities.

Communicate with stakeholders

Keep your stakeholders informed throughout the restoration process. Let them know what happened, what you’re doing to fix it, and when they can expect things to be back to normal. Transparency will help you maintain their trust and confidence.

Step 4: Learn and Adapt

Congratulations, you’ve survived a cyberattack. But before you kick back and relax, there’s one more thing you need to do: Learn and adapt for next time. Because let’s face it, there’s usually a next time. What lessons have you learned from this experience? What changes can you make to your security posture to better protect your business?

Conduct a security audit

Start by taking a close look at your existing security measures. Are there any gaps or weaknesses that need to be addressed? Conduct a thorough security audit to identify vulnerabilities in your systems, processes, and policies.

Implement multi-layered security

One of the most effective ways to defend against cyber threats is to implement a multi-layered security approach. This means using a combination of technologies and techniques, such as firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and employee training, to create multiple barriers against attacks.

Encrypt sensitive data

Encrypting sensitive data adds yet another layer of protection, making it much harder for attackers to access and exploit. Make sure to encrypt data both in transit (that’s when it’s being sent from person to person/place to place) and at rest (when it’s saved in your systems). For maximum security, consider implementing end-to-end encryption, where only the sender and recipient can decode the data.

Enforce strong password policies

Weak passwords are a cybercriminal’s best friend. Enforce strong password policies across your business, requiring employees to use long, randomly generated, unique passwords. A password manager can make this simpler and safer. Implementing multi-factor authentication for another layer of security is strongly recommended.

Stay up to date with security patches

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so it’s crucial to stay on top of security patches and updates for your software, firmware, and operating systems. Make sure to apply patches as soon as possible to stop attackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities.

Educate and train employees

Your employees are your first line of defense against cyberattacks. Educate them about the importance of cybersecurity and provide regular training to help them recognize and respond to potential threats. Teach them how to spot phishing emails, avoid suspicious websites, and practice good security hygiene.

Monitor and respond to threats

Real-time monitoring and alerting systems will help you detect and respond to potential security threats as soon as they arise. Set up regular security audits and penetration tests for a proactive approach.

Step 5: Develop an Incident Response Plan (BEFORE you need it)

No matter how strong your defenses are, there’s always a chance that you’ll be targeted by cybercriminals again. That’s why it’s vital to have a solid incident response plan in place to help you respond quickly and effectively in the event of a cyberattack.

In fact, don’t wait to be targeted the first time. Create your incident response plan now, before you need it, and stay one step ahead.

Create your incident response team

The first step in developing an incident response plan is to set up a dedicated team responsible for handling cybersecurity incidents. This team should include representatives from IT, security, legal, communications, and other relevant departments. Make sure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident.

Identify and prioritize threats

Next, identify the types of cyber threats your business will most likely face and prioritize them based on their potential impact. This will help you focus your resources on mitigating the most significant risks and developing targeted response strategies.

Develop response procedures

Once you’ve identified the threats, develop detailed response procedures for each type of incident. This should include step-by-step instructions for detecting, containing, and mitigating the impact of the incident, as well as communication protocols for notifying stakeholders and coordinating the response efforts.

Test and refine your plan

A plan is only as good as its execution, so test your incident response plan regularly through tabletop exercises and simulations. This will help identify any weaknesses or gaps so that you can refine it accordingly. Make sure to involve all members of your incident response team in these exercises to ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of an incident.

Communicate effectively

Communication is key, so make sure everyone involved in handling an incident knows their role, and also tell everyone in the business about the incident response plan. Anyone could be the first to sound the alarm, so everyone needs to know who to report any incidents to in the first instance.

Bonus Step 6: Partner with a Trusted IT Support Provider

It’s important to develop a culture of cybersecurity in your business, but sometimes you need expert help. That’s where partnering with an IT support provider (like us) can make all the difference.

We specialize in cybersecurity, which means we have the expertise and experience needed to keep your business safe and secure. We stay up to date on the latest threats, trends, and technologies, so you don’t have to.

With our knowledge and skills, you can benefit from best-in-class cybersecurity protection without having to become an expert yourself. And just think about the time and stress that could save.

One of the biggest advantages of working with an IT support provider is our ability to prevent cyberattacks before they even begin. Through proactive monitoring, threat intelligence, and security assessments, we can identify and address potential vulnerabilities in your systems and processes before cybercriminals can exploit them. This proactive approach can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run by preventing costly data breaches and downtime.

While you might worry about the expense, partnering with an IT support provider can actually be a cost-effective solution for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to maintain an in-house cybersecurity team.

By outsourcing your cybersecurity needs to a third-party provider, you can access enterprise-grade security solutions at a fraction of the price of hiring and training your own team.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of working with an IT support provider is the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business is in good hands. With a trusted partner by your side, you can rest easy knowing that your systems, data, and reputation are protected against cyber threats. You can focus on running your business confidently, knowing that your cybersecurity needs are being taken care of by professionals with your best interests at heart.

If that sounds appealing, we’d love to talk about how we can help your business. Get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and managers.

Whether it’s speeding up tasks or improving communication, every little bit helps. So, it’s crucial to make the most of the tools you already have.

And while you might think of your web browser as just a means to access the internet, it can be so much more than that. Especially if you use Microsoft Edge in Windows 11. It has loads of features that can help supercharge your productivity.

Here are five of our favorites.

1. Split Screen for Multitasking

Multitasking is a skill every business owner needs, and Microsoft Edge’s split-screen feature makes it easier than ever. Whether you’re comparing web pages, researching multiple topics, or simply keeping an eye on different sites simultaneously, the split screen lets you view two pages side-by-side within the same tab. It’s like having two windows open at once but without the clutter.

2. Vertical Tabs for Streamlined Navigation

Too many tabs? Yeah… we understand that. Microsoft Edge’s vertical tabs offer a fresh perspective on tab management. By stacking tabs vertically along the side of the browser window, you can easily navigate between open tabs and access essential controls like close and mute.

3. Workspaces for Seamless Collaboration

Collaboration is key in any business, and Microsoft Edge’s Workspaces feature makes it easier than ever to work well with colleagues or clients. Create a workspace with a collection of open tabs, then share it with others via a simple link. It means they can open multiple tabs with one click. It’s perfect for brainstorming sessions, project management, or team presentations.

4. Collections for Organized Research

Gathering information from the web is a common task. Microsoft Edge’s Collections feature makes this easier, allowing you to easily save and organize text, images, and videos from web pages into custom collections. Stay organized, focused, and productive.

5: Immersive Reader for Distraction-Free Reading

When you need to focus on reading an article or document online, distractions on the page can be a pain. Microsoft Edge’s Immersive Reader feature provides a clutter-free reading experience by removing ads, links, and other interruptions. Customize the text size, spacing, and color scheme to suit your preferences, and even have the content read aloud for hands-free reading.

If your business doesn’t already use Microsoft Edge on Windows 11, this could be the perfect time to switch. Can we help you move over? Get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

Have you heard about Team Copilot yet? It’s the latest addition to Microsoft’s suite of AI tools and should be available later this year.

Think of Team Copilot as an advanced, AI-powered assistant designed to help your team work better together. While Microsoft 365’s Copilot has been a personal assistant for individual tasks like drafting emails or recapping missed meetings, Team Copilot takes it to the next level by focusing on group activities. There are three main ways Team Copilot can help your team:

1. Meeting facilitator

During a Teams video call, Team Copilot can take notes that everyone in the meeting can see and edit. It can also create follow-up tasks, track time for each agenda item, and assist with in-person or hybrid meetings when used with Teams Rooms.

2. Group text chat assistant

In group text chats within Teams, Copilot can summarize lengthy conversations to highlight the most important information. It can also answer questions from the group, making it easier to stay on track and informed without wading through pages of chat history.

3. Project manager

Team Copilot can help manage projects by creating tasks and goals within Microsoft’s Planner app. It can assign these tasks to team members and even complete some tasks itself, like drafting a blog post. It will notify team members when their input is needed.

Boosting Productivity

Productivity isn’t just about individual work. It’s also about effective teamwork. So, by helping with group-oriented tasks, Team Copilot can improve your overall workflow.

It’s important to note that while Team Copilot is incredibly helpful, it doesn’t replace the role of a human meeting facilitator. It won’t lead meetings or ensure inclusivity, but it will create agendas, track time, take notes, and share files.

Team Copilot will be available in preview later this year for Microsoft 365 customers with a Copilot subscription. While it’s a work in progress, its potential to transform team productivity is huge.

If you have questions or need further assistance understanding how Copilot can benefit your business, check out our upcoming webinar, “Unleashing the Power of AI with Microsoft Copilot.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.

This webinar has concluded. You can watch the webinar below or any of the Copilot examples included in the presentation here

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you work with Microsoft Office applications? Join Yeo & Yeo Technology’s Software Consultant, Adam Seitz, for an overview of how you can enhance your productivity and efficiency using Microsoft Copilot within Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Microsoft Copilot for O365, an innovative AI-powered assistant, can streamline your daily tasks. In this webinar, Adam will provide in-depth demonstrations, practical tips, and real-world examples to showcase the capabilities of this powerful AI tool.

  • Word: Discover how Copilot assists with writing, formatting, and suggesting relevant content.
  • Excel: Tackle complex spreadsheets effortlessly. Copilot aids with formulas, data analysis, and visualization.
  • PowerPoint: Elevate your presentations with Copilot’s design suggestions, slide layouts, and content creation.

This is a great opportunity to see Copilot in action and learn how AI is transforming the way we work.

Watch the Webinar Recording

Stay Tuned for More

Are you excited about Copilot? This webinar is just the beginning! In future webinars, we will explore how Microsoft Copilot can improve your experience with Teams, Outlook, and Copilot Chat. Stay tuned for more information about these sessions.

You know that staying ahead of the technology curve is vital for all businesses in a highly competitive marketplace. One innovation launched earlier this year is Wi-Fi 7, the next generation of wireless connection.

But what exactly does it offer, and is it worth the investment for your business?

  • Lightning-fast speeds: No more buffering and lagging. Wi-Fi 7 brings blazing-fast speeds to keep your business running smoothly.
  • Rock-solid connections: Forget all about dropped calls or lost connections. Wi-Fi 7 ensures reliable performance, even in busy environments.
  • Future-proofing: Wi-Fi 7 is built to handle the demands of tomorrow’s tech. It’s future-proofing your business’s internet.

Now, here’s the million-dollar question: Should you upgrade to Wi-Fi 7? Well, it depends. While Wi-Fi 7 offers some awesome benefits, it can be a bit pricey to upgrade.

The initial investment includes the expense of next-gen routers capable of supporting Wi-Fi 7, which can range from hundreds to thousands. And there may also be ongoing operational costs, especially if you’re leasing routers from internet service providers.

If you’re not ready to dive into Wi-Fi 7 just yet, that’s OK. There are plenty of other ways to improve your business’s existing Wi-Fi. From optimizing your current setup to adding extenders or mesh networks, there are options to fit every budget.

We’re all about making sure you find the perfect tech solutions for your business to keep you and your team happy. If you’d like to go through your options, get in touch.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at MSP Marketing Edge.