On-Premise Phone Systems vs. Cloud Phone Systems

Host on-premise or on the cloud? This is a common consideration for many business owners and communication managers looking to upgrade their enterprise’s phone system in this digital era. 

This guide will explore the key differences between these two communication systems to help you decide which one is best for your operational model.

What makes cloud systems different from on-premise systems? 

Traditional systems involve the on-premise installation of linking all company phone extensions and subsequent connections onto public phone networks. Advanced on-premise phone systems also incorporate VoIP services. 

Cloud-based systems, on the other hand, facilitate the linkage of a brand’s network of phone extensions using the internet. Where on-premise systems use desk phones, cloud phone systems utilize softphones. 

Advantages of cloud phone systems vs. on-premise phone systems

Here are a few benefits you can expect when investing in a cloud phone system:

  1. Scalability: The most noticeable upside that cloud systems have over traditional systems is the degree of scalability they give businesses. It allows for service adjustments following seasonal and industry fluctuations.

    What’s more, cloud phone systems allow for automatic installation of updates, unlike traditional phone systems, which need manual upgrades that could be time-consuming and cause downtime.
  2. No Installation Costs: You don’t have to invest heavily in the initial installation or PBX maintenance — as is the case with on-premise systems. Cloud phone systems don’t require significant capital outlay, making them suitable for a wide range of businesses, especially start-ups and small businesses. 
  3. Flexibility: With cloud phone systems, your team doesn’t have to work from the office. They can perform anywhere with access to good internet. Remote working offers your team more flexibility to plan out their day, making them more productive. 
  4. Quick and Easy Call Management: Cloud phone systems come with extra features that allow your team to organize and manage business calls. Besides streamlining your processes, this enables you to easily collect data from your customer base.  

Advantages of On-Premise Phone Systems vs. Cloud Phone Systems

Some businesses still prefer on-premise solutions versus their cloud-based counterparts. Here are some of the advantages of on-premise phone systems:

  1. Control of Communication by Management: On-premise systems allow for on-site controllability by communication managers and business owners but will most likely require someone trained to do so. A cloud-based phone system can be easily configured and maintained by anyone, and changes can be made on the spot.
  2. Stable Voice Quality: While today’s cloud phone systems have top-notch voice quality, they can still be affected by a range of external factors that degrade communication quality. These factors include bandwidth, network configuration, and the type of devices used. Ensure you have the right network requirements before making the switch and look for vendors with financially-backed SLAs.
  3. Cheaper to Setup (but look for hidden costs): On-premise systems usually involve a one-time payment during installation but can cost you more in the long run with maintenance and downtime. Conversely, cloud systems typically require clients to pay a monthly hosting rate and upfront costs for the endpoints but can be cheaper overall.

Scale Up Your Business with Reliable Telephony Services

For reliable, unified telephone communication systems that’ll help drive collaborative partnerships for your small or medium-sized enterprise, reach out to us at Yeo & Yeo Technology. Whether you’re looking for seamless on-premise telephone system installation services or a fully integrated cloud-based phone system, we’re here for you. 

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Intermedia.

Unsure how cloud communications differ from legacy on-premises phones and why you should move your business phones to a cloud-based unified communications system? We’ve assembled and answered some common questions that business owners ask.

1. How does a cloud-based service scale with my business vs. an on-premises phone?

On-premises phone system: Requires a server called a private branch exchange (or PBX). Some are scalable (you can add more capacity), and others will not scale beyond a certain number of users. You have to purchase phone lines in modules in some situations (e.g., you buy capacity for 12 users when you only need nine lines).

Cloud phone system: Scales with your business one user at a time, so you never pay for users you don’t need. You purchase service for the exact number of users you have. Adding a new employee is as simple as ordering service and plugging in another phone.

2. Can my business depend on the cloud? How reliable is it?

On-premises systems can be completely taken down if there is a power outage or natural disaster. Cloud-based phone systems run outside your physical office location with multi-region data centers and built-in redundancy, ensuring an outage in one server or datacenter doesn’t bring the whole system down. Electricity or internet outages may impact your office’s phones, but not the service itself. The included mobile app is always available to make and receive business calls, texts, and instant messaging with other users.

3. It sounds complex. How do I set it up, and what is involved in training?

Setup is all web-based, and we assist you every step of the way. New phones are generally provided, and they use the business’s existing internet wiring to each desk. User training websites, videos, and live webinars make it easy for new users to get started quickly.

4. How does pricing compare to my current system?

It’s priced on a flat monthly fee per user, with features like voicemail, call forwarding, conferencing, video conferencing, and team messaging all included in the cost. Typically, it ends up being less expensive than an on-premises system when you consider all of the additional, included features that you can pay for separately.

5. How much do I need to worry about call quality over the internet? Like static, echos, and choppy audio?

You shouldn’t have to worry about this at all—we will run a network test and pre-qualify your network before deployment to ensure call quality and clarity. Cloud phone system quality should be as good or better than landlines.

6. What is the biggest business benefit to cloud communications?

“Biggest” depends on what matters to you. But cloud communications, in general, are more affordable, more reliable, and easier to set up than on-premises phones. They also scale with your business more flexibly and deliver communication and collaboration features that your customers and employees are used to having on their mobile devices. The included mobile and desktop apps also allow your employees to make and receive business calls from wherever they are currently working.

7. What happens to my existing business phone numbers if I switch?

You keep your existing phone numbers when you switch to the cloud. Moving phone numbers is called “porting.” Porting local phone numbers typically takes about 2-4 weeks, and porting toll-free numbers typically takes about 1-2 weeks. Generally, your existing phone numbers are forwarded to your new system, so there is no downtime or change in how you do business.

Moving to the cloud is simple. In fact, it is crazy simple. YeoVoice is a reliable, full-featured cloud communications platform that includes integrated video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, file backup and sharing, and more. With the included desktop and mobile apps, your employees stay connected no matter where they are or what device they are using.

If you haven’t considered moving to the cloud before, now is a great time to start.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Intermedia.

Though you may take an open and honest approach with your staff, sharing sales figures and turnover with them, there may still be some documents you don’t want them to see.

Perhaps details of how much net profit you make, how much you take out of the business or what their colleagues earn. Then you start to think about customer databases and confidential documents. For some of your team, this is information they don’t have a reason to see.

This statistic will shock you. In a data risk report on 785 businesses, researchers found 53 percent of them had more than 1,000 sensitive files available to every employee.

This is just asking for trouble. And not only because of the risk of an insider leak.

The easier it is for everyone inside your business to access files, the easier it is for people outside to access them too.

Especially cybercriminals, who are constantly trying to steal your files and sensitive data for their gain – to either sell it or hold it hostage and charge you a hefty ransom to access it.

Access to data is a considerable concern.

Do you know exactly who has access to which data and files in your business? Is it easy to grant access to those who need the data and block others? Or is this something you need to address?

Our team can help you lock down data and implement a cybersecurity solution tailored to your business needs. Contact us to learn more.

Updated 7/7/2021

Microsoft has released a patch for the “PrintNightmare” vulnerability. We encourage users to apply necessary updates as soon as possible to protect their devices and data.

Note that this patch only fixes the remote code execution of the bug. Bad actors who are physically inside an organization may still be able to exploit the vulnerability. 

If you are a Yeo & Yeo Technology YeoCare client, the patch was applied yesterday, July 6. For changes to take place, please reboot your PC at your earliest convenience.

For more information, visit the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s website: https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/07/06/microsoft-releases-out-band-security-updates-printnightmare.

My Wi-Fi is working, but my computer keeps disconnecting

It’s possible that your PC’s network card isn’t receiving full power. Go to advanced settings in power options. Click ‘Wireless adapter settings’ and ‘Expand power-saving mode.’ Set this to maximum power, and you should see some improvement.

My monitor is blank – I promise it is plugged in and switched on

OK, that’s a good start. Is the power cable faulty? Try replacing it with one that is working on another machine and see what happens. If it’s still blank, try connecting your monitor to another PC. If it still doesn’t work, it looks like it’s a problem with the monitor. If it works on another PC, it’s likely a problem with the computer’s graphics card.

My keyboard is making weird noises and won’t type words properly

You may have enabled toggle keys and filter keys in your Windows settings. To disable them, go to the control panel and select ‘Ease of access.’ Click on ‘Change how your keyboard works,’ then uncheck the boxes next to the Toggle keys and Filter keys.

It is essential for school districts to use remaining Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) II funds wisely.

Districts can apply ESSER funding to a wide range of items, including educational technology such as hardware, software, and connectivity.

It might be time to invest in new technology if your existing systems:

  • Don’t support both on- and off-site instruction
  • Distract from the learning environment rather than enhance it
  • Are cumbersome, difficult to maintain, or incompatible with new software updates

If your district is considering technology equipment upgrades, please reach out to Yeo & Yeo Technology. Our education-specialized consultants can cost-effectively procure and configure desktop and network computers, printers, charging carts, servers, and more.  

As a Regional Educational Media Center Association of Michigan (REMC SAVE) Awarded Vendor, we also offer numerous products at special, pre-approved bid pricing.

Contact us for more information about our hardware solutions or request a proposal today. 

The 21st century has been defined by vast technological growth and change. Many individuals now look to the latest tech to help make their day-to-day lives easier and more enjoyable.

It follows that your employees will have the same expectations in their working lives. Organizations that are slow to acquire new technologies could end up with a frustrated and underperforming workforce while missing out on the various operational benefits that innovation can provide.

With this in mind, what specific tech and innovations should you be considering to realize tangible benefits for your employees? Here are four steps that could deliver results.

1. Implement an HR management system

HR management systems enable your HR team to gain real-time, comprehensive insights into your workforce and how it’s performing. A stronger understanding of your people gained through digital HR technologies puts your company in a better position to reinforce employee engagement and improve workforce satisfaction, reducing staff turnover and driving productivity.

2. Use data analytics to assess HR processes

Data analytics help your organization turn large, seemingly impenetrable amounts of information into relevant, actionable insights. If you are looking for opportunities to deploy new HR technologies, data analytics can help you evaluate the effectiveness of everything from talent acquisition and training to employee engagement and retention efforts.

3. Introduce apps to drive HR performance

Just as they have come to play a central role in many consumers’ lives, apps can be instrumental in optimizing and evaluating the performance of your HR department. Deploying the latest agile and innovative tools can help your HR professionals save time, become more efficient and measure their progress towards key goals.

4. Use data insights to reward staff

Employees want to be recognized for their hard work, so you need to have HR processes to track performance and highlight noteworthy results. Using data analytics to provide reliable insights can help ensure that your employees are properly acknowledged and rewarded, which helps to boost workforce morale and productivity.

In conclusion

For the workforce (and particularly for HR departments), the availability of new, effective technologies can play a vital role in maximizing job satisfaction and driving productivity, which is just as beneficial for your business as it is for your staff members.

Looking for a technology solution to improve your HR processes? Yeo & Yeo Technology’s Sage HRMS solution is a single source for flawless payroll processing, employee administration, registration, analysis, employee life-cycle management and all other crucial employee-related information. Contact us to learn more.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Sage.

Your office is on fire. What do you save?

Having a disaster strike your business is a terrifying thought. Thankfully it doesn’t happen to many companies. But say it did happen to yours. Nobody’s hurt or at risk. What would you want to save from the office?

It has to be your data, right? After all, it is the most valuable asset in your business. Without it, there would be no business. But what if you’re too late? What if your server was the first thing to go? And, of course, any paper files you had went up in smoke. What then?

Have you got a working backup to rely on? Assuming you do, when was the last time it was checked and the data verified? This really is a daily job.

Are there other things that you thought you’d get around to? Like creating an inventory of your devices or moving all your paper files online?

These are just a few of the jobs that you need to make a priority now if you want a solid disaster recovery plan. Because if a major problem strikes and you don’t have a safety net, it really could be goodbye to your business.

In addition to managing systems and monitoring cyberthreats, a data recovery solution like Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) is an essential component of a solid business continuity plan.

Read this eBook to learn more about BDR and protecting your data from disasters.

With the summer travel season upon us, you may find yourself connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots at airports, hotels, cafes, restaurants, bus stops and more. Unfortunately, public networks are honeypots for hackers who use them to infiltrate connected devices.

Do you usually connect to public Wi-Fi when you’re traveling?

Next time you’re about to do so … pause to consider whether the connection is genuine.

Cybercriminals create spoofed access points that sit between you and the real connection. Many people fall for these as they look just like the real deal.

But once you connect to a spoofed Wi-Fi network, these criminals have access to all the information you’re sending and receiving on your device. That could be passwords and login information, financial details and even customer records.

It’s estimated that around a quarter of all public access points are spoofed.

VPNs Can Help Keep Data Secure

A VPN is a service that encrypts all of a device’s internet traffic and routes it through an intermediary server in a location of the user’s choosing. A VPN grants numerous benefits to users and is particularly useful to people who have to use public Wi-FI while traveling for work or fun.

Anyone who happens to intercept internet traffic between the smartphone or laptop and the VPN server won’t be able to decipher its contents, including Wi-Fi hackers.

Dishonest individuals are continually finding clever new ways to exploit technology for their personal gain. As always, think before you connect to keep your data safe.

Source: National Cybersecurity Alliance

The Rolodex has gone the way of the dinosaurs and it has been replaced with digital technology. To connect with customers and prospects, many businesses now rely on customer relationship management (CRM) software. These solutions grant users easy access to comprehensive information that can enhance marketing efforts and boost sales. This information includes detailed notes on existing connections with targeted individuals and companies along with critical information on current clients.

CRM software also typically includes categorized lists of customers, prospects and other valuable contacts. It goes beyond the standard contact info to collect biographical data, track interactions over time and map connections. You can use it to find out how often a current client purchases from you, or the current vendors of a prospect you are trying to land.

Whether you’re just now shopping for CRM software, or already have a system in place, you can and should take various steps to ensure you get max value out of this technological investment.

Keys to success

For starters, make a point of aligning CRM usage with your company’s overall strategic objectives. For example, if one of your goals is to grow revenue in a certain market by 20%, you could make developing customer/prospect profile reports on the CRM system a stated and measured objective. Track your calls, emails and drop-ins along with the information you gather with each touch. This will create a “profile” for your prospects and determine if they are a business to spend time on, or if you should move on.

Some employees may be skeptical about the value of the CRM while others will be enthusiastic supporters. Encourage “CRM champions” to share their success stories from using the solution with others on your team. “Show, don’t tell” will convince the skeptics to get on board with the new software.

Training is another important factor in successfully implementing CRM software. Introduce your employees to the solution’s benefits by embedding CRM lessons in meetings or training sessions about other topics, such as billing or revenue building. Every bit of prospect/client information helps the organization, not just the sales team.

Some employees may be able to rely on webinars for training. You could also offer “lunch and learn” sessions on topics such as how to best conduct customer interviews and input that information into the CRM system. However, certain employees should receive personalized one-on-one sessions with a trainer to ensure they’ve truly mastered the software. These would include sales and marketing employees who are on the forefront of the CRM software. Remember, the more information you have, the better off your entire organization will be.

It takes time

For many businesses, the introduction of CRM software means not only a transformation of how work is accomplished but also a change in culture. Getting buy-in from the staff doesn’t happen overnight and it may be a struggle for upper management to implement this change. If you see a struggle from some employees, create a small incentive to get them on board with the change. Buy lunch for the team when they hit a certain benchmark or let them leave at 3 pm on a Friday afternoon.

If you have a CRM solution in place, use it to its full potential. If you’re just implementing one now, exercise patience and diligence when training employees to use it. Yeo & Yeo Technology can help you set a reasonable budget for technology purchases such as CRM software and measure your return on investment.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Sage.

My mouse has stopped moving. What do I do?

If your mouse freezes or the cursor disappears, it can be tough to do anything. This is where keyboard shortcuts come to the rescue. Press “ALT” and “F4” together to open the shutdown menu, then restart your device. When it reboots, things should be working correctly.

I’m trying to upload a Word document, but it needs to be a PDF

Not a problem. In your Word document, select File > Save As. Click the drop-down box at Save As Type, and select PDF. Then choose where you want to save the File. Now you have your PDF version with no stress.

My screen has turned blue and won’t do anything

Ah, the blue screen of death. It looks like you just need to reboot your device. Hold down your power button for 5 – 10 seconds, and it should turn off. Power it back up, and things should be back to normal. If you have any prompts to install updates, do it as soon as you’re back up and running.

Small and midsize businesses across the country have pivoted to remote work as a necessity. A quarter of people plan to work from home permanently or more regularly when the pandemic is over.

No surprises there. Many people feel more productive when they work from home. And three-quarters believe there are fewer distractions at home (when the kids are at school, anyway).

Here are five things we recommend you put in place for everyone who’s going to be working from home, long-term:

  1. A dedicated working space: Trying to work in the same area as other family members is testing for everyone. Help your team identify where they will work and set up a proper work environment. This will also help them draw the line on the day’s work when they leave their workspace.
  2. Fastest possible internet: Slow speeds are the biggest frustration. There are often options to speed up the internet. Maybe you could subsidize them upgrading to a better service?
  3. Dedicated tech: 62 percent of home workers would like their company to provide better technology to help them stay connected to what’s going on in the business. From a data security point of view, you’ll have a lot more control if you give them a business device to use only for work.
  4. Collaborative software: Whether it’s Microsoft Teams or other software, it’s so easy these days for anyone working anywhere to stay up to speed on all relevant projects.
  5. Help them feel involved: This can be as simple as sending pizzas to everyone’s houses, so your team can have lunch together on a video call.

With employees working between a mix of offices or remotely, your communication systems need to be flexible and reliable. Cloud-based communications platforms that including business phone, chat, video conferencing and more will help your business remain successful as we transition in this new environment.

Are you ready to learn more about how YYTECH can help you implement a remote-working strategy? Contact us today.

How movement can help lower stress and boost well-being

When business leaders sent their teams to work from home in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, most employees didn’t have a home office. Against the backdrop of a global health emergency, workers had to quickly determine how to create an adequate space to work at home without much time to plan or prepare.

To keep remote employees comfortable, healthy and productive for the long haul, it’s necessary that both employees and the leadership teams that support them take action. Living and working during a once-in-a-generation pandemic creates an undercurrent of chronic stress for many workers. Physical health, mental health and workday comfort must be prioritized as they all play a role in encouraging, or discouraging, well-being.

The Impact of Chronic Stress

Everyone experiences stress; it’s part of being human. Stress responses, like fight-or-flight reactions, are hard-wired in our nervous systems to protect us from potential threats and predators.

Chronic low-level stress is a different story. When people feel constantly anxious, stress hormone levels may remain elevated. This can result in irritability, sadness, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, headaches and insomnia. Stress may cause other problems that are harder to identify, such as inflammation and compromised immune function. Chronic stress can exacerbate conditions and lead to unhealthy behaviors. To put it simply, over time, chronic stress wears the body down.

Why Movement Matters for Physical and Mental Well-Being

It’s not surprising that workers are experiencing chronic stress as they navigate the unknowns of the pandemic. Unfortunately, in addition to chronic stress and associated symptoms, remote workers are also at risk for a common and well-documented health issue: inactivity.

Movement benefits our physical health, and research shows that it may positively impact our mental health, too. It’s important to note that determining how to best support one’s mental health is complex and individual needs vary widely; guidance from a qualified professional is recommended. But for some, simply moving more may help boost mental well-being.

Why does sitting less and moving more help mental wellness? Some data suggest that people who experience depressive symptoms may have a smaller hippocampus, the part of the brain that helps to regulate mood. Physical activity can support nerve cell growth in that region of the brain, which may help reduce feelings of depression.

Ideas to Keep You Moving While Working from Home:

  • Move every 30 minutes. At the top and bottom of each hour, get up to refill your water, stretch or do a few laps around your home.
  • Stand during meetings or conference calls. This is a simple way to remind yourself to stand throughout the day.
  • Find an online stretching class. Take a break to relax and relieve tension. You can do many stretches right at your desk.
  • Take a walk around the block. While you’re at it, call a friend you haven’t talked to recently or catch up on a favorite podcast.
  • Turn on a favorite song and dance. From boosting brain power and improving heart health, dancing is excellent for your well-being.

Employees worldwide are facing heightened levels of stress, including chronic stress, as they adapt to changes in their work and personal lives. Moving more, sitting less and creating a comfortable home office setup can positively impact well-being, including physical health, mental health and spinal health. With frequent movement and a healthy workspace setup, employees are empowered to work in a comfortable way that supports their well-being now and in the future.

Are you interested in creating an ergonomic workstation but aren’t sure where to start? Contact Yeo & Yeo Technology today to speak with our ergonomics specialist.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Ergotron.

Zoom calls, Teams meetings, Google Meets, whichever tech platform your business uses, do you ever get to a Friday evening and feel a bit “over Zoomed”?

(especially if you then have ANOTHER Zoom arranged with friends or family?)

According to estimates, over three trillion minutes will be spent on Zoom this year. That’s about 5.5 million years!

As much as they’re a pain when you have them all day, video calls help us be productive and get things done while we’re working remotely.

76% of all employees use video calling for remote work, according to some stats we’ve been reading. And three-quarters of those say it makes them more productive. 41% of employers believe video calls lead to better-engaged teams.

How can we feel less “over Zoomed” then? Here are three suggested rules:

  1. Do a tech test before every meeting: Check that your video and sound are working. Zoom has a test call facility at zoom.us/test.
  2. Never meet unless you have a written agenda: And put the agenda on screen using screen share. This stops meetings from dragging on.
  3. Stand up, especially if you’re the organizer: This is a good one for real-life meetings, too. When you stand for a meeting, your body will give you plenty of feedback when things are dragging. Standing desks are also a great idea for productivity and keeping energy levels high.

Looking for a unified communication and collaboration platform for your remote workforce? YeoVoice, powered by Elevate, seamlessly integrates all communication tools – desktop phones, mobile phones, and computers – into one manageable solution. Contact Yeo & Yeo Technology to learn more.

I’ve just closed a document without saving it. Help!

Don’t panic! If you have auto-recovery options enabled in Microsoft 365, all is not lost. If not, you may still be able to retrieve your work. Search for Word backup files by clicking ‘open,’ ‘computer’ and then browse the folder where the file was last saved. You may also be able to search your device for temporary files, ending in .tmp. Good luck!

My computer isn’t recognizing my USB device.

Let’s try a couple of things. First, try it in a different USB port. Does that help? If it’s still not working, try a different USB device in the ports. If that works, it looks like your USB device is broken. If it doesn’t work, you need IT support.

Why can’t I log in?

This one is common and very frustrating. You can be entering what you know is the right password and still no joy. Grr. Make sure you don’t accidentally have caps lock on. If that doesn’t work, you’ll probably need to go for a password reset. Sorry. We always recommend you use a password manager. That way, you can be sure an unrecognized password isn’t just your mistake.

ERP has quickly evolved in recent years. Once considered a relatively static solution dedicated to managing operations and the supply chain, it now encompasses technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain. With those capabilities serving as catalysts for digital transformation, some businesses leverage ERP software to enhance the customer experience and drive revenue. As a result, companies of all sizes are wondering whether it’s time to upgrade ERP software.

Making the switch to a new ERP solution can be a significant undertaking. How can you tell when the time is right to upgrade your ERP software? Here are three tips on how to know if you’re ready to update your ERP.

  1. Get the lay of the land. Begin by evaluating how well your current ERP systems support your company’s top business priorities. ERP solutions designed in a prior era with legacy technology to match may not sufficiently support your current business needs.
  2. Consider how much control you need. Many businesses accustomed to legacy on-premises solutions will find the prospect of giving up control an adjustment, whether it comes to security or software updates. For others, data sovereignty — the issue of who owns and controls data residing within an ERP — is also an issue. Spend some time thinking about exactly what level of control you must have and how those business requirements will inform your ERP strategy.
  3. Evaluate staff’s knowledge and abilities. While cloud ERP systems can enable impressive digital transformation, frequent software updates can also pose a burden for IT staff and require new methods of managing applications. For these reasons, consider investing in staff education on new technologies now so that your workforce will be better equipped to realize the value of those technologies and understand how to apply them to your business priorities.

Upgrade ERP software and accomplish your business priorities

Companies that choose to proceed with their current ERP software and a few short-term technology fixes may struggle to improve the customer experience, achieve greater agility, or reduce costs. As a result, they may find that decision ultimately hinders their business success.

It’s best to let your business priorities guide your approach. A company focused on revenue growth, for example, might take a cautious approach to the cloud and instead focus on updating current systems. A business that seeks to improve the customer experience will likely be more incentivized to make technology investments, looking at both the cloud and on-premises ERP with equal interest. Whatever your business priorities may be, you should pursue the ERP strategy to help you accomplish them.

Contact Yeo & Yeo Technology to learn more about our ERP solutions and how they can benefit your business.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at Sage.

Yep, you read that correctly. The average estimated cost of a data breach to a business is $500,000.

Could you afford to lose that kind of money? Few businesses could. And even if they could, recovering from a cyberattack is probably not their ideal way to spend hundreds of thousands.

So, how do you avoid this kind of expense? You need to get planning. Literally. You need a plan to prevent a cyberattack and respond to it if you’re hit.

If you don’t already have one in place, move this to the top of your agenda.

Cyberattacks are on the rise. They’re costing the world economy more than $1 trillion a year right now. And thanks to the coronavirus, that figure is set to rise, as cybercriminals take advantage of the confusion caused by changing technology for the pandemic.

56 percent of businesses don’t have a cybersecurity prevention and recovery plan in place. If you’re one of those businesses, maybe we can help you.

YYYC can support your IT team in the defense against cyberattacks with YeoSecure.

Our comprehensive cybersecurity monitoring and compliance solution, YeoSecure, transforms the way companies detect, investigate and respond to cyberthreats. YeoSecure provides 24/7/365 enterprise-grade cybersecurity monitoring and support while cutting costs and keeping your IT team from scrambling to detect and troubleshoot cyberattacks.

Learn more about how YeoSecure can help your organization detect, respond, and comply.

Phishing attacks using PDF files have spiked over the past year, according to researchers at Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42.

“From 2019 to 2020, we noticed a dramatic 1,160% increase in malicious PDF files – from 411,800 malicious files to 5,224,056,” the researchers write. “PDF files are an enticing phishing vector as they are cross-platform and allow attackers to engage with users, making their schemes more believable as opposed to a text-based email with a plain link.”

Researchers identified five common types of PDF phishing, detailed below.

  1. Fake CAPTCHA: The most common form of PDF phishing uses an image of a fake CAPTCHA to trick victims into clicking the “Continue” button, which leads to a malicious site.
  2. Coupon: Coupon phishing uses an image that appears to be a coupon and tells victims to click the picture to get 50% off a product. Once clicked, the “coupon” brings users to a malicious site.
  3. Static Image with a Play Button: The third type of PDF phishing uses images that appear to be paused videos but lead to a phishing site. “Although we observed several categories of images, a significant portion of them either used nudity or followed specific monetary themes such as Bitcoin, stock charts and the like to lure users into clicking the play button,” Unit 42 says.
  4. File-Sharing: File-sharing PDF phishing utilizes popular online file-sharing services to grab the user’s attention. They often inform the user that someone has shared a document with them. However, the user cannot see the content and needs to click on an embedded button or a link, which leads to a malicious site.
  5. E-commerce: Some fraudulent PDF files use common e-commerce brands to trick users into clicking on malicious embedded links.

The researchers conclude that users need to pause and think when they receive a suspicious file.

“Data from recent years demonstrates that the amount of phishing attacks continues to increase, and social engineering is the main vector for attackers to take advantage of users,” the researchers write. “Prior research has shown that large-scale phishing can have a click-through rate of up to 8%. Thus, it is important to verify and double-check the files you receive unexpectedly, even if they are from an entity you know and trust.

Security awareness training can give your employees a healthy sense of skepticism to avoid falling for these attacks. Contact Yeo & Yeo Technology to learn more.

Information used in this article was provided by our partners at KnowBe4.