CyberSecurity – The Numbers Are Against You And The FBI Is Outgunned

So, let’s do a quick analysis of the cyber battlefield here. What are the bad guys up to? Check Point Software provided some fresh data a few days ago, which gives us the correct order of magnitude of what we are dealing with here. This by the way is great ammo to get more IT security budget. 

  • 205 Billion emails sent every day
  • 39 percent of attachments contain malicious files
  • 34 percent of links embedded in emails are malicious
  • 77 percent of all malware is installed via email
  • Malware by file type: 52 percent are PDF, and 44 percent are EXE format

Now, how about the good guys? What are the Law Enforcement resources at our disposal to protect us against this digital onslaught? I found a September 7, 2016 interview with FBI Special Agent Lawrence Wolfenden who provided some worrisome stats.

He said: “Accept that a breach is going to occur, the issue is, what do you do about it.” That in itself is nothing new, but here are some interesting numbers:

The FBI has about 800 cyber agents, including 600 agents who conduct investigations, so the agency doesn’t have the ability to address every attack, and must triage the most significant ones.

By law, a $5,000 loss must occur before the FBI can get involved in a case, but as a practical matter, the U.S. Attorney’s Office wants to see about $50,000 or more in losses before the FBI gets involved, and the agency itself generally wants to see $100,000 to $200,000 of loss before it can justify spending investigative resources, Wolfenden said.

In other words, if you get infected with ransomware and the ransom is less than 100-200K, you are on your own. Good thing to know.

You’ve probably seen articles about the power of to “disrupt” entire industries, whether it’s Uber upending the taxi business or Facebook changing how people communicate. News stories about business disruption focus on dramatic tales of companies that grew to hundreds of millions in revenue almost overnight.

But disruption can happen on a smaller scale, too. And you don’t necessarily have to invent the to take advantage of it in a way that lets you positively disrupt how business is done in your industry. For any size of company, using digital technologies to disrupt your business requires strategic thinking, smart investment, and a commitment to long-term success. Let’s take a look at a few disruptive small business trends and technologies that could transform how you do business.

Mobile Internet

Just about everybody has affordable, fast mobile Internet these days. Mobile business is a rich source of competitive advantage for companies who really exploit it. To start with, make sure your website, ads, and e-commerce store are mobile-ready. The mobile Internet is great for employees, too. It empowers them to get work done anywhere using tools such as the mobile versions of Microsoft Office applications, available through Office 365.

The Internet of Things

Networks of low-cost sensors communicating and collecting data 24/7? Now that sounds disruptive. It also sounds like something only big companies are considering, but increasingly, Internet-connected equipment and devices are available across a range of industries. With these connected devices, you can monitor performance, perform maintenance, collect data, and control functions remotely. The key is to consider how such investments can accelerate your business and not just buy them for the “wow” factor. If you are pursuing an Internet of Things strategy, take a look at Microsoft Azure. It offers completely managed services that take a lot of work out of connecting devices together and capturing information from them.

Knowledge work automation

We’ve seen manufacturing become increasingly automated. Now, the average office worker is facing much the same scenario. For example, at one time almost every loan application was scrutinized by an individual human underwriter. Now, banks use sophisticated software to make decisions based on data. In a small and mid-size business, where there never seems to be enough time to get everything done, these kinds of tools can be invaluable. A simple example is voice recognition—a powerful too few people take advantage of. Take Cortana in Windows 10. With Cortana, you can write and search for information very efficiently just by speaking, which can save you time and keep you focused on adding value.


The cloud—the ability to access IT infrastructure, applications, and services over the Internet—has been a focus of business innovators for many years now, but the opportunities to disrupt your business keep on growing. And it’s especially relevant for small and mid-size businesses, who now have affordable access to computing power previously accessible only to the largest enterprises. The easiest way to start with cloud is adopting software as a service, such as switching from traditional Microsoft Office to Office 365. You don’t have to run servers or worry about security because it’s all taken care of behind the scenes, and your software is always up to date with the latest (dare we say disruptive?) features.

Big Data

It’s an increasingly data-driven world, and every business needs to be looking at how they can use information to make better decisions, connect with customers, and find new opportunities. And, you don’t have to be talking terabytes to get value from data. The first step is to make sure you’re collecting and storing data somewhere you can access it. Do an inventory of the types of data your business collects, and the types of data it could collect, and make some decisions about what’s truly valuable. Then, you need tools that help you explore and make sense of the data. Excel is the go-to classic for Office users, and you can get the latest with Office 365. If you want to take things a step further, try PowerBI, which provides easy-to-use tools for asking and answering questions from your data.

Most of all, remember: business disruption is relative, and it doesn’t always have to make headlines. If your competitors aren’t following the small business trends and making the most of innovation, maybe it’s time to do a little disrupting of your own.

This article was provided through our partnership with Microsoft. 


When a vendor releases software, they believe that it’s safe to use and reliable. However, this isn’t always the case. Often there are holes in the software that vendors are unaware of. These can be exploited by hackers and are known as Zero-Day attacks.

Types of Zero-Day attacks include malware, spyware, and openings in your private information. After an attack is launched, a vendor has to rush to develop and release a patch. This minimizes the damage that’s been done but for many users, it’s too little too late.

Research conducted by our partners at Symantec shows that Zero-Day attacks are increasing. In 2015 there were 54 Zero-Day vulnerabilities, which more than doubles the 24 that were found in 2014. The most attacked software is Adobe’s Flash Player. Adobe has acknowledged major vulnerabilities, as recently as June 2016 and accounted for 10 Zero-Day vulnerabilities in 2015.

There’s no way you can completely stop a Zero-Day attack but there are many ways you can protect yourself.

  • 1.Have a secure firewall in place: Your firewall can play a critical role in protecting your PC against threats. Discuss with your IT consultant on proper configurations that are right for you.
  • 2.Only use applications that are essential: The more browsers and software you use the most vulnerable you are to a Zero-Day attack. Use only the applications you need to reduce risk.
  • 3.Keep current with patches: Make sure that your PC is being properly patched. If you would like to learn more about proper patch management, take a look at one of our recent newsletter articles.
  • 4.Have a backup and disaster recovery option in place: Keep your data replicated, offsite and secure. Should your information be compromised, have the option to recover it.

Although attacks are increasing, the ways we can protect our data has never been stronger. If you are unsure about your preparedness for Zero-Day, or any other cyber-attack, contact your account executive today.


1 Compare documents side-by-side

Sometimes you may need to compare two documents to see how they differ. Word can help.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Open both of the files that you want to compare.
  2. From within one of the documents, on the View tab, in the Window group, select View Side by Side. If you have multiple documents open, you’ll see a display that will ask you which document you want to compare with your current document.
  3. To scroll both documents at the same time, on the View tab, in the Windows group, select Synchronous Scrolling.
  4. To close Side by Side view, in the Window group on the View tab, deselect View Side by Side.

Note: When you are comparing documents, these commands may appear only as icons:

View Side by Side word_2016_small_1

Synchronous Scrolling word_2016_small_2

Feature available since Office 2010. These instructions are for Office 365; your version may vary.

2 Double-click anywhere to start typing

Word has a cool feature called ‘Click and Type,’ that allows you to put text just about anywhere on the page. You don’t have to start at the left and move to the right, or tab to get to where you want to start! It’s intended to give you the same experience as writing on paper.

Here’s what you do:

Left double-click wherever you want text on your document and start typing. Voila! There’s your text. If you’re using a tablet, you can double tap on the document.

How to use:

  • Brainstorming and mind maps
  • Insert text and graphics anywhere (formatting brochures and flyers)

Note: Click and Type is available only in Print Layout and Web Layout views, not in Draft, Outline, or Read Mode.

Feature available since Office 2003. These instructions are for Office 365; your version may vary.

3 Quickly replace styles and formatting

Ever want to change a formatting style, such as changing the text color in a particular font from black to blue, but don’t want to scroll through your entire document to find all the places you have used this font style? Use the Replace function in Word.

Here’s what to do:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, select Replace.
  2. Place your cursor in the Find what text box (You do not need to type anything).
  3. Select the Format drop-down menu, and then select the format that you want to replace. For instance, if you wanted to replace the font for all subheads in Segoe UI, 16 pt with Arial, 18 pt, you would select Font. Then you would select Segoe UI under Font, Regular under Font Style, and 16 under Size.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Place your cursor in the Replace with text box.
  6. Select the Format drop-down box, and then choose your replacement format. (Using our example in Step 3, you would select Font, then Arial under Font, Regular under Font Style, and 18 under Font Size.
  7. Select OK.


Note: If you don’t see the Format drop-down menu, select More. The drop-down is at the bottom of the pop-up display under Replace.

You can search and replace almost any text formatting, including line spacing, margins and font types, sizes, and styles by using this feature.

Feature available since Office 2010. These instructions are for Office 365; your version may vary.

Information provided in this post is courtesy of Microsoft Community Connections. 


It seems like everywhere you look, there’s a new fitness trend. There’s fitness tracking devices, diet fads and new health foods to try. I’ll pass on the kale chips, thank you. 

For many of us, one of the biggest detriments to our health is sitting at our desk all day. Seriously, sitting is the new smoking. You might be reading this blog post while sitting, right now! Don’t panic. You don’t have to stand up right this minute. But what if there was a way to improve your health, daily. That’s what the WorkFit-T series from Ergotron is designed to do. Stand or sit at your desk in a snap. Just take a look at how easy it is to use in this video.


Yeo & Yeo Technology is proud to work with Ergotron to deliver products that can help improve your overall health. If you’re still unsure if a WorkFit-TL is right for you, give it a try for free! Ergotron offers qualifying clients an opportunity to try a WorkFit-TL at no cost. 



In addition to solving unique business challenges, Mobile CRM offers several unique benefits, one of which is lowering the cost of sales by up to 15 percent.

There are several methods by which Mobile CRM can contribute to a lower cost of sales.

For instance, Mobile CRM allows information to be immediately requested and retrieved, which streamlines and even accelerates sales and service processes and improves the mobile user’s ability for on-the-spot problem solving.

Many to-dos and follow-up action items that used to be done offline can be eliminated as problem resolution can be initiated in real time.

Also, closing sales with fewer interactions keep sales people working on new opportunities that build revenues.

In addition to the benefits like, lower cost of sales, higher sales pipeline velocity, and faster inventory turns accelerated sales cycles allow your company to generate more revenue and your sales people to earn more commissions.

To learn more about the advantages, benefits, challenges and considerations of mobile CRM solutions: Download the Mobile CRM: Advantages, Benefits, Challenges and Considerations white paper today. You can also contact Yeo & Yeo Technology and speak to a representative. 


Each quarter, our partners at Proofpoint release a threat summary report. What are some of the biggest threats of 2016? Read the first quarter report to learn more and prepare your organization for the rest of the year. 

Click here to view the report in its entirety.

  • Multiple threats continue to target your email inbox
  • Social media targeting continues to increase
  • Andriod phones and tablets are the most vulnerable to malicious apps
About Proofpoint:
Yeo & Yeo Technology is proud to partner with Proofpoint. Proofpoint, a next-generation cybersecurity company, enables organizations to protect the way their people work today from advanced threats and compliance risks. Proofpoint helps cybersecurity professionals protect their users from the advanced attacks that target them (via email, mobile apps, and social media), protect the critical information people create, and equip their teams with the right intelligence and tools to respond quickly when things go wrong. Leading organizations of all sizes, including over 50 percent of the Fortune 100, rely on Proofpoint solutions, which are built for today’s mobile and social-enabled IT environments and leverage both the power of the cloud and a big-data-driven analytics platform to combat modern advanced threats.

All information provided in this post was provided by Proofpoint.

In a recent report, Forrester notes that on-demand CRM is becoming the default choice as buyers look to see if this approach meets their needs before they seriously consider an on-premises CRM.

A look at the numbers supports that viewpoint. Analysts forecast that in 2016, one-third of all spending on customer relationship management software will be for on-demand versus 26 percent in 2010.

Information analyst Gartner predicts that the CRM market will enter a shakeup, as a number of key trends, primarily involving social networks and CRM, begin to take hold. This includes changes to marketing and customer service technologies and the introduction of new projects and implementations.

But before you lock down your choice, you need to determine if you can achieve maximum business value from an on-demand CRM solution – or if on-premises CRM will better meet current and future business objectives.

Weigh the benefits of each, and then ask yourself some key questions to help you define what your company really needs and expects from your CRM solution.

Learn more by reading our Whitepaper CRM: On-Premises vs. On-Demand – 5 Key Considerations. You may also register to attend a free webinar on June 21 “On-Demand Cloud CRM vs. On-Premises CRM: Key Considerations.” 

Our affiliates, Yeo &Yeo CPAs and Business Consultants, recently posted an excellent article about what to know when facing a HIPAA audit. We thought this article would be great to share with you as well. To read this post, click here

© 2016

We have all heard the line, “just clear your cache.” But what does clearing your browser’s cache really do? Let’s first look at what cache is and, second, why you should clear it from time to time.

What is cache
Cache was created by web browser designers to speed up your Internet browsing experience. Basically, it’s faster for your computer to pull information from its hard disk than the Internet. When you visit a website, your browser sends things like images and graphics to your hard disk to store for future use. When you go back to that site the images won’t need to be reloaded from the browser, they will already be stored on your hard disk. 

Clearing your cache?
Clearing the cache just simply means emptying its history. The next time you display a web page everything will download fresh and new. The reason you should clear your cache is to simply clear any confusion your cache may have. This could be partially downloaded files or badly formatted sites causing issues. Clearing your cache is a great way to fix these issues and is one of the first things your IT department will suggest if you’re having trouble with your browser. 

Depending on what browser you’re using, like Chrome, Firefox or IE, there are different ways to clear your cache. A quick online search can show you how to perform this task. 

With a new year comes the opportunity to reassess your organization and the way you do business. It’s a chance to ask yourself, “What can be done better? How can we improve?” Now is the perfect time to take a look at your IT and ensure that 2016 is your best year yet. Here are 5 New Year’s “resolutions” to help get started on the right foot in 2016.

1. Budget
If you spent a lot of time working on your budget in December, it’s time to put those funds to work. According to CIO Magazine, the average IT budget for small businesses is between 4 and 6 percent of the overall budget annually. When your IT isn’t working efficiently, chances are your staff isn’t either. 

2. Security Health Check
How secure is your network? Staying secure doesn’t just mean locking the doors when you leave. There are constant threats like malware and ransomware can easily hold your network hostage. All it takes is one misguided click.  

3. Implement Managed Services There are many benefits to outsourcing IT. Even if you have an internal IT employee and you’re not outsourcing your IT, it might be time to think about it. First, consider the fact you can set fixed and controlled cost. Managed services are much more than that! When IT is outsourced, you’re free to spend more time focusing on the other needs of your organization. You also open your up to certified technicians and engineers to assist with any IT related issues that your organization may have. 

4. Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery falls under the same theme as security. If something does happen, you need to have a backup plan in place to recover your information from. This usually means an offsite backup location, hosting a replicated copy of your information. If you already have a backup in place, make sure it’s tested and verified. 

5. Process Automation  
Your should be working for you, not against you. If the programs you use every day require work-arounds to function properly, your software is working against you. Don’t let the work-arounds become the norm. Improving and streamlining your business processes will increase your profit and maximize your efficiency, but don’t let upgrading overwhelm you. You don’t have to break the bank to improve the quality and consistency of your business processes. Set realistic expectations, upgrade the biggest trouble areas first.  

Yeo & Yeo Technology (YYTECH), today announced it has achieved a Silver Small and Midmarket Cloud competency, demonstrating its ability to meet
Microsoft Corp. customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business environment. To earn a Microsoft silver competency, partners must successfully demonstrate
expertise through rigorous exams, culminating in Microsoft certifications. And to ensure the highest quality of services, Microsoft requires customer references
for successful integration and customer satisfaction.

YYTECH has three decades of experience and knowledge in the IT industry and stays on top of ever-changing technologies with certified professionals
that help them design, build and maintain cost-effective solutions for clients.
YYTECH’s expertise is backed by their Microsoft certifications, combined with their partnerships with Cisco, VMware, HP and other leading companies.
The Microsoft Silver Small and Midmarket Cloud competency gives clients peace of mind that they have chosen a partner with experience and certifications
that are needed to assist them with their IT pain points, as well as with future IT growth and advancement.  
“This Microsoft Silver Small and Midmarket Cloud competency showcases our expertise in today’s market and demonstrates our knowledge of
Microsoft and its products,” said Jeff McCulloch, President. “Our plan is to accelerate our customers’ success by serving as advisors
for their business demands.”
“By achieving a silver competency, organizations have proven their expertise in specific areas, placing them among the top 5 percent
of Microsoft partners worldwide,” said Phil Sorgen, corporate vice president, Worldwide Partner Group at Microsoft Corp. “When customers look
for an IT partner to meet their business challenges, choosing a company that has attained Microsoft competencies is a smart move. These are
highly qualified professionals with access to Microsoft technical support and product teams.”
Microsoft Office 365 is Microsoft’s fastest growing commercial product ever. The Silver Small and Midmarket Cloud competency enables YYTECH the
ability to capitalize on the demand from the small and midmarket customer marketplace for cloud and hybrid solutions built on Microsoft
Office 365, providing them with additional support and incentives.
The Microsoft Partner Network helps partners strengthen their capabilities to showcase leadership in the marketplace on the latest ,
to better serve customers and, with 640,000 Microsoft partners in their ecosystem, to easily connect with one of the most active, diverse
networks in the world.
This article was originally posted on Nov. 4. 

If you use a PC at home, chances are you have received a notice to upgrade to Windows 10. Now there are some cases where older devices don’t qualify for the free upgrade, based on hardware and software requirements. For the most part, Microsoft wants to make your transition to Windows 10 as easy as possible. Here are some reasons you should consider making the upgrade.

It’s Free
Believe it or not, Windows 10 has already been around since July 29, 2015. Microsoft has made the upgrade free for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices. Microsoft sees Windows 10 as a service and want to get it on as many devices as possible. Once you upgrade to Windows 10 your device will be upgraded to newest version of Windows for the duration of its life.

Cortana is your new personal assistant. Ask her questions, schedule reminders or get the weather. Cortana has you covered. 

No More Start Screen
One of the biggest issues with Windows 8 was the dreaded Start Screen. Windows 10 takes the best features from the Start Screen and combines it with the Start Menu we all know and love. It’s also fully customizable based on your specific likes. It works on both desktops and mobile devices. Think of it as a hybrid of Windows 7 and 8.

If you use multiple Windows devices, Windows 10 is a seamless transition for all of them. Windows 10 gives you a similar user experience on your mobile device that you will find on your PC.  

If you are using Windows 10 on your mobile device, laptop, and gaming system (Xbox One) you can stream your games and information across all of the Windows 10 devices. Your Windows devices are no longer separate entities!

Smaller installation size
Microsoft has said that Windows 10 uses a more efficient compression algorithm for files. Files can be 1.5 to 2.6 GB smaller, depending on your device. This opens up more space on your hard drive. 

There are many other great features of Windows 10 that aren’t listed here. But the most important thing to remember is to make sure that upgrading is right for you. If you’re device is running Windows 7 or higher, there’s really no reason not to upgrade. Just make sure your computer is equipped to run Windows 10 and doesn’t have any hardware or software conflicts. Here is a great way to check the compatibility of your PC. 

Also, remember that there is a difference between upgrading your home PC and your work PC. It’s important to note that if your work PC receives the Windows 10 update prompt that you do not click it. 

Another security scam has presented itself in our area. Most of us are used to seeing scams that hit our email inbox or pop up on our screens. Now scammers are attempting to use phones, pretending to be a computer technician, to gain access to vital information.

How a Tech Support Scam Works
This type of scam is different from what we typically see. It begins with a phone call from an individual claiming to be support for a well-known company like Microsoft. The scammer will then walk users through complex steps to find legitimate files that they claim to be viruses. This is all in an attempt to gain your trust. Once they have it, they will begin asking for things like, remote access, credit card information, directing you to false websites.

What you can do if you get a call
If you receive a call from a person who claims to be tech support, hang up and contact a number or organization you know to be legitimate. Remember to never give remote access or vital information to someone you do not trust. If, for whatever reason, you believe that you have ever responded to a scam, be sure to change any passwords you have given out and cancel any credit cards that have been compromised. 

If you believe that your organization has been targeted by a tech support scam, please contact Yeo & Yeo Technology at 989.797.4075.

The USB. It’s the one piece of that you use a lot, but never really think evolves. The introduction of USB-C and USB 3.1, last year, have brought improvements to USB .

USB ports have gone through a number of changes over the last decade. By improving the , USBs have gotten faster and more reliable.

In 2014, Apple decided to take a leap and introduce a Macbook with just a USB-C port, following the footsteps of Google’s Chromebook Pixel. While this new is great, many people are not up to speed on what it is. This is especially true if you are used to seeing a standard USB port. USB-C looks completely different and is failsafe when you try to plug it in. We’ve all experienced the fumbling around that comes with plugging in a USB stick. 

USB 3.1 shares a much similar look and feel that the standard USBs you’re used to seeing. You will notice that USB 3.1 ports will be fitted with blue sockets. USB 3.1 is faster, more powerful and maintains backwards compatibility for older USB ports. A new cable, Type-C 3.1, has also been introduced with USB 3.1. This standardizes the port and cables across all USB devices, with USB Type-C cables also being backwards compatible.

On May 27, USA Today published an article on how costly data breaches are to large companies. In a survey conducted by the Ponemon Institute and IBM, it was found that breaches cost large companies and average of $3.79 million globally. For companies based in the United States, the average cost is $6.5 million.

Additional statistics include:

  • 350 Companies in 11 countries experienced a data breach. 62 companies surveyed were based in the U.S.
  • Costs of data breaches has increased 23 percent since 2013.
  • 25 percent of breaches are caused by human error, while 47 percent are malicious attacks.
Although this survey was conducted by surveying large businesses, the moral of the story is, no matter your business size, data breaches are costly and harmful. From avoiding costly downtime, to , Yeo & Yeo Technology offers a number of solutions to help organizations protect their data. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more.

Think about how you use your phone in your personal life. If you’re like most Americans, chances are you have ditched your landline for a cellphone with no plans of going back. A similar change is happening in the business world. 

For those that are unaware, the landline phone system as we knowing is fading away and moving toward VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) . Our partners at INVOIP recently published a blog post, pointing out some facts, that decision makers should be aware of as the landline fades away. Read the post here

What is VoIP?
Hosted Voice Phones use VoIP as the basis for helping businesses better manage their incoming and outgoing calls. VoIP audio signals are transferred into digital data, allowing users to make calls over the internet. With Hosted Voice, the entire infrastructure is housed at an offsite data center, except for the phones and switch with Power over Ethernet (PoE) in your office. Learn more about Yeo & Yeo’s VoIP solutions.