9 Most Common Types of Malware

eBook: 9 Most Common Types of Malware


Recognize Malware Before It’s Too Late

These days, hacking is a profession. And a very lucrative one for some. The internet has made it very easy to access hacking knowledge and powerful automated tools.

Anything that has been designed to steal your data or hurt your computer systems is called malware – for “malicious software.” Some kinds of malware are very difficult to recover from. It’s rarely as simple as deleting an infected file.

While it’s not realistic to protect your business from 100% of malware attacks (without completely crippling your staff’s ability to do their work freely), you can take measures to minimize the risks and increase awareness.

In this eBook, we examine the nine most common types of malware, including:

  • Viruses
  • Worms
  • Trojans
  • Ransomware
  • Spyware

Does your business have the proper cybersecurity infrastructure to protect against malware? Contact Yeo & Yeo Technology to learn about our cybersecurity solutions.

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