How Businesses Can Better Retain Their Salespeople

How Businesses Can Better Retain Their Salespeople

CPAs & Advisors

The U.S. job market has largely stabilized since the historic disruption of the pandemic and the unusual fluctuations that followed. But the fact remains that employee retention is mission-critical for businesses. Retaining employees is still generally less expensive than finding and hiring new ones. And strong retention is one of the hallmarks of a healthy employer brand.

One role that’s been historically challenging to retain is salesperson. In many industries, sales departments have higher turnover rates than other departments. If this has been the case at your company, don’t give up hope. There are ways to address the challenge.

Lay out the welcome mat

For starters, don’t focus retention efforts only on current salespeople. Begin during hiring and ramp up with onboarding. A rushed, confusing or cold approach to hiring can get things off on the wrong foot. In such cases, new hires tend to enter the workplace cautiously or skeptically, with their eyes on the exit sign rather than the “upper floors” of a company.

Onboarding is also immensely important. Many salespeople tell horror stories of being shown to a cubicle with nothing but a telephone on the desk and told to “Get to it.” With so many people still working remotely, a new sales hire might not even get that much attention. Welcome new employees warmly, provide ample training, and perhaps give them a mentor to help them get comfortable with your business and its culture.

Incentivize your team

Even when hiring and onboarding go well, most employees will still consider a competitor’s job offer if the pay is right. So, to improve your chances of retaining top sales producers and their customers, consider financial incentives.

Offering retention bonuses and rewards for maintaining or increasing sales — in addition to existing compensation plans — can help. Make such incentives easy to understand and clearly achievable. Although interim bonus programs might be expensive in the near term, they can stabilize sales and prevent sharp declines.

When successful, a bonus program will help you generate more long-term revenue to offset the immediate costs. That said, financial incentives need to be carefully designed so they don’t adversely affect cash flow or leave your business vulnerable to fraud.

Give them a voice

Salespeople interact with customers and prospects in ways many other employees don’t. As a result, they may have some great ideas for capitalizing on your company’s strengths and shoring up its weaknesses.

Look into forming a sales leadership team to help evaluate the potential benefits and risks of goals proposed during strategic planning. The team should include two to four top sellers who are given some relief from their regular responsibilities so they can offer feedback and contribute ideas from their distinctive perspectives. The sales leadership team can also:

  • Serve as a clearinghouse for customer concerns and competitor strategies,
  • Collaborate with the marketing department to improve messaging about current or upcoming product or service offerings, and
  • Participate in developing new products or services based on customer feedback and demand.

Above all, giving your salespeople a voice in the strategic direction of the company can help them feel more invested in the success of the business and motivated to stay put.

Assume nothing

Business owners and their leadership teams should never assume they can’t solve the dilemma of high turnover in the sales department. The answer often lies in proactively investigating the problem and then taking appropriate steps to help salespeople feel more welcomed and appreciated. We can help your company calculate turnover rate, identify and track its hiring and employment costs, and assess the feasibility of financial incentives.

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