New Michigan Sick Time Act and Minimum Wage Increase
In September 2018, the Michigan legislature enacted an Earned Sick Time Act as well as increases in the minimum wage.
It is anticipated that both measures will take effect in March 2019, but it is expected that legislators will make significant adjustments before year-end.
Yeo & Yeo wants to keep you informed of the current status and will communicate changes as they become available.
Earned Sick Time Act
Under the new Earned Sick Time Act, Michigan workers will accrue one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked, capping out at 72 hours per year for larger businesses and 40 hours per year for small businesses.
Minimum Wage and Wages for Tipped Workers
The One Fair Wage Act involves a minimum wage increase to $10 in March 2019 and $12 by 2022. As written, the new law slowly brings minimum wage for tipped workers up to the same level as the regular minimum wage.