Non-essential Medical Procedures Resume May 29 Under New Workplace Standards
Today, May 29, physicians and other healthcare providers may resume non-essential medical and dental procedures that were postponed under Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-17 (postponement of certain non-essential medical procedures and encounters).
Although non-essential medical procedures may resume, under Executive Order 2020-97, outpatient healthcare facilities must comply with new workplace standards.
Notably, one standard is that providers must continue to utilize telehealth to the greatest extent possible. The rules related to social distancing may otherwise limit the number of patients a facility can see in person. Other protocols include using personal protection equipment, special hours for highly vulnerable patients, workplace training for employees, contactless sign-in and a common screening protocol, which could require changes to a practice’s EMR.
These new standards are not optional. The State of Michigan has two routes of enforcement it may pursue against employers who fail to follow the workplace safety rules specified in the Order. As such, it will be necessary for medical practices to monitor for changes to Executive Orders issued by Michigan’s Governor. The Order does not provide an expiration date for the new safety measures.
Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) provides on its website key aspects of the standards physicians and medical practices must implement to be in compliance and it is regularly updated. You can reference it here.