The school year ended with many districts experiencing changes to their food service distribution programs. The following are a few impacts those changes may have on your 2020 audit and the 2021 school year.
- We encourage districts to make sure they have all the documentation in place to have successful administrative reviews. All new Summer Food Service Program sponsors will be subject to a review. The focus of the administrative reviews will be on menu, production records, daily meal count sheets, and monthly claims.
- Keep in mind that the Unanticipated School Closure Summer Food Service Program (USCSFSP) meals ended June 30, 2020. After that, claims will be related to the Summer Food Service Program.
- The USCSFSP caused many districts to have an increase in Child Nutrition revenue. Estimate and evaluate your federal revenue as early as possible to determine any impact an increase may have had on your need for a single audit and which major programs may need to be tested for your June 30, 2020, audit. Conversely, if your district saw a significant decline in Child Nutrition revenue, consider any impact on your major programs.
We have seen many other changes related to federal programs for the 2021 school year, and we are here to help you navigate those changes any way we can. Please reach out to your Yeo & Yeo professionals for assistance.