Graphic of different technology symbols with data breach spelt in the center.

Top 12 Exploited Vulnerabilities of 2022


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In collaboration with CISA, the NSA, and the FBI, Five Eyes cybersecurity authorities have issued a list of the 12 most exploited vulnerabilities throughout 2022.

According to the report, threat actors increasingly focused their attacks on outdated software vulnerabilities rather than recently disclosed ones during the previous year, specifically targeting systems left unpatched and exposed on the Internet.

Below is the list of the 12 most exploited security flaws last year.

In light of these findings, organizations must take action to bolster their cyber defenses. The following steps are recommended to ensure a robust security posture:

  1. Prioritize Patching: Swiftly address known vulnerabilities that have been exploited, ensuring that patches are applied to all vulnerable systems.
  2. Automated Asset Discovery: Implement routine automated scans across your entire digital estate to identify and catalog all systems, services, hardware, and software. This proactive approach helps pinpoint potential vulnerabilities.
  3. Secure System Backups: Regularly create secure backups of systems and configurations, storing copies in physically secure off-network locations. Regular testing of these backups ensures quick recovery in the event of an attack.
  4. Privileged Account Management: Conduct regular reviews to validate or remove privileged accounts, at least annually. This minimizes potential points of compromise.
  5. Multifactor Authentication (MFA): Enforce MFA for all users, leaving no exceptions. This additional layer of security significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

By staying informed, vigilant, and proactive, organizations can fortify their defenses and contribute to a safer online environment. For further details and insights, the full report can be accessed at

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