Treasury: Business Taxpayers Reminded About Wage Statement Due Date Change
Wage Statements Must Be Submitted Before Filing Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Annual Return
Business taxpayers are reminded about a new state law that modifies the due date for wage statements, according to the Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury).
Public Act 118 of 2018 requires that wage statements — such as W-2, W-2G, 1099-R and 1099-MISC — must be submitted on or before Jan. 31, 2019. This state law change was made to match both Treasury and Internal Revenue Service wage statement submission deadlines.
Beginning January 2019, employers may electronically upload their wage statements by using Michigan Treasury Online (MTO). Employers with more than 250 employees must file their wage statements electronically.
For more information about MTO and how to file wage statements electronically, visit: mto.treasury.michigan.gov
Although the wage statements are due on or before Jan. 31, 2019, the Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Annual Return (Form 5081) is still due on Feb. 28. Wage statements filed on or before the Jan. 31 due date need not be submitted again with Form 5081.
“Business taxpayers should keep these changes and options in mind when submitting wage statements and filing returns,” said State Deputy Treasurer Glenn White, who oversees Treasury’s Tax Administration programs. “If deadlines are missed, there could be processing delays and penalties applied.”
To learn more about Michigan’s tax system, go to www.michigan.gov/taxes or follow the state Treasury Department on Twitter at @MITreasury.