The Michigan School Business Officials Annual Conference will be held at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, May 2-4. Members of Yeo & Yeo’s Education Services Group will present four of the sessions. We welcome you to join us to gain new insights into managing your Michigan school.
- Ethics Dilemmas and Fraud & Forensics Prevention – Molly Fish, CPA
Learn about the common ethical dilemmas that arise in school districts and examine examples of actual Fraud & Forensics that has occurred at local school districts. Find out what you can do to prevent it from happening at your district.
- The ABCs of Your District’s Single Audit – Jennifer Watkins, CPA
Learn how to prepare for your single audit, including the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) preparation and common findings. Learn the changing requirements of a single audit.
- Ask the Auditor – David Youngstrom, CPA, and Brian Dixon, CPA
Have an off-the-record discussion with experienced school auditors in a “penalty free” zone. Whether you have been doing this for years or are just starting out, bring your questions or your scenarios to get instant feedback!
- cybersecurity – Kristi Krafft-Bellsky, CPA
Find out how to verify that your information is protected and what you should be asking as a technology director.
We encourage you to attend. Register and learn more about the MSBO Annual Conference.