Coronavirus graphic with molecules floating around the text (Coronavirus).

Yeo & Yeo Update on COVID-19 Response – Be Safe!

CPAs & Advisors

Yeo & Yeo’s top priority is to deliver outstanding business solutions to our clients. During this time of challenge over the situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19), our commitment to the health and well-being of our clients, our team members, family members and community is of our highest regard.

At this time, we are fortunate to have had no confirmed cases or known encounters among any of our team members — and hope that you, your families and team members will continue to stay healthy too. At the onset of this outbreak, we put in place extra measures to ensure the health and safety of our staff and visitors and will continue to do so. We’ve encouraged every Yeo & Yeo team member to stay home if sick and to contact our HR representative if they or anyone in their household experiences symptoms or are diagnosed with or exposed to the coronavirus. Yeo & Yeo has supported flexible work practices with technology that enables remote access as well as alternate work schedules to accommodate our team members and their situations.

With that, to continue to serve our clients, it is business as usual at this time. If you feel uncomfortable with coming into any of our offices, are considered at-risk or vulnerable, or present any symptoms, we would like to remind you that we have the tools and resources necessary (via portals, email, etc.) by which you can send us  information needed without coming into the office. And, if you have meetings scheduled with anyone on our team, and you would prefer to speak by phone or video chat, that option is available as well.

Yeo & Yeo has a robust plan in place for continuing operations in the coming months. We are confident in our ability to provide essential services without interruption while ensuring our employees remain healthy and safe. 

In a matter of just 24 hours, we have seen unthinkable measures to protect our great nation from a massive outbreak. By the time you read this, it’s likely more will have developed. We are closely monitoring our federal, state, and local government updates. We are committed to serving you with as little disruption to our services as possible.

On behalf of all of us at Yeo & Yeo, thank you for your understanding and support during this health challenge. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe. Stay healthy!

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