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YYTECH Client Service Update in Response to Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive Order


Jeff McCulloch
Jeff McCulloch President Technology

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On March 23, Governor Whitmer announced the “stay home, stay safe” Executive Order 2020-21 that closed more nonessential businesses. Under U.S. Department of Homeland Security essential critical worker classifications, Yeo & Yeo Technology qualifies as an essential critical infrastructure workplace.
With that, in upholding our social responsibility, the YYTECH office remains closed to visitors through at least April 17 except for essential scheduled equipment drop-off and pickup.

Operations will remain as normal as possible for our clients while our team members continue to implement the safety measures we have put in place to help ensure the health of our team members, clients, community and loved ones. Many of our team members have been working remotely and additional team members are being asked to work remotely or to rotate schedules to further support social distancing in our office. Your emails and phone calls are being answered as usual (maybe not as quickly), and your YYTECH professionals are working to meet your IT needs.

Please continue to use YYTECH’s Helpdesk for IT issues and tech support. In many support cases, our technicians and engineers can assist remotely.
Thank you for the continued trust and support you have given us during this time. We understand that all of you are experiencing similar disruption in your service.
We are here to help and work together to get through this.
Stay strong. Stay healthy.

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